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saudi embassy missing journalist riddle

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Trump says it appears that missing journalist Khashoggi is dead

"Trump has said any U.S. actions over Khashoggi’s disappearance must take into account the security and defense ties the United States has with the kingdom"

in other words, dollar before life

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It is no wonder so many people seem to believe in 'conspiracy' theories these days when they can see the lies coming out of everywhere.

The official story is out now, the Saudis say he died in a fight in the embassy. Maybe that's sort of the truth, maybe he fought for his life. They've apparently sacked a couple of senior officials and arrested some stooges. No doubt Trump, the leader of the free world, will accept this and tell the world to swallow it soon enough. Its all total fucking bullshit, the whole fucking world is.

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Yes the Yankee dollar feature large in all this - $billions in arms deals - but Trump is going easy on the Saudi murderers beacause Saudi is the West’s “ally” in the resistance to the equally distasteful murderers in Tehran. In the great Sunni - Shia face-off Trump and his pals are firmly in the Sunni corner. It’s just one strand of the proxy war between Saudi and Iran for control of the Middle East; who do we want to see prevail...the vicious thugs in Riyadh or the vicious thugs in Tehran ...desperately attempting to develop nuclear weapons with which to attack Israel?

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