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The magabomber

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Its a load of shit. All of it.

We get reports in our media of 'russian troll farms' interfering in Brexit, elections etc. There will be exactly the same in the US, on both sides but especially pumping out the presidents favourite FAKE NEWS. Trump is there calling the protesters against Kavanaugh as paid by Soros, that this MIGRANT CARAVAN heading to the US is full of mid-easterns and sponsored by democrats, sucking up to Saudis etc. Everything, absolutely everything coming out of that country is absolute bullshit.

These bombs are fake, fear mongering bollocks. Probably sent by some brainwashed Q follower. 


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4 hours ago, the stinking enigma said:

I didn't give them that moniker. That's why I don't know what to make of it. That's obviously the way the narrative is going to run on it, which could also open up the possibility that the bombs weren't real. The timing is a bit suspicious too.  

You call it 'The Magabomber.' (Singular.) Then say, "I didn't give them (plural)...

I suggest you know more than you are letting on.

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Oh ... Make America Great Again ... bit slow, I didn't get what MAGA meant.

Hope they catch who ever is doing this as soon as possible before someone is hurt and to give some clarity before the elections.

The trouble is, it is going to spawn copy cats.

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16 hours ago, TheTeapot said:

The only people likely to be hurt by this nonsense will be the 'bomber' when he gets shot by the FBI and anyone unlucky enough to be nearby.

Probably correct, TP. I read this morning that the devices were designed to NOT explode. Something's afoot and it ain't my cock, unfortunately... 

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From the latest BBC report:

“CNN quotes investigators as saying they were functional but unstable, meaning they could be set off merely by handling. They have timers easily bought at retail outlets.
But experts speaking to several US media outlets have cast doubt on their effectiveness after seeing X-ray images. 
New York Police Commissioner James O'Neill could not confirm whether all the devices were intended to explode, but he said officials "are treating them as suspected explosive devices".”


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