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The Cosy Nook Cafe Port Erin


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18 hours ago, Hillside said:

I’d second that, its now The Bay Green Restaurant and is excellent. Freshly cooked food everyday with about 15 choices on the blackboard, idyllic surroundings and professional staff. Give it a try you won’t be disappointed!

Where exactly is the Bay Green situated?

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2 hours ago, ecobob said:

Let it go ahead. It will look better in real life  than that hideous picture.

The whole point of architectural mock-ups is to make the development look wonderful.    So it is either going to look a lot worse than that or they're such incompetent architects that they should be allowed to build it anyway.

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On 3/14/2020 at 3:49 AM, asitis said:

I can see this running for years before anything is done, another Fort Island Hotel !

I can however see valid concerns being raised by the residents of the small road leading to those few car parking spaces, when putting something which has the potential to attract many more people than latterly. It is a shame the old place was left until it was unserviceable before anyone thought to do something.



To be fair, the delays to the Old Golf Links Hotel being renovated are down to the South African owners of the Golf Links and Derbyhaven Residents Association, who in my humble opinion appear to treat the peninsular as their own personal fiefdom. Dandara/Fort Island Developments have acted responsibly and with integrity regarding the Old Links Hotel, and the Nimbism of DRA is there for all to see as this judgment from as far back as 2013 substantiates: https://www.judgments.im/content/J1462.htm

The road from Derbyhaven to both Fort Island and Langness Lighthouse is now like a gated community, with ugly timber posts designed to restrict parking for the public to access to the beach The recent appearance of berms (unsightly soil mounds) around the hotel by the golf course owners (obviously strategically placed to restrict the view from areas of the hotel when it's rebuilt) are equally as unnatural to the area. Then you have this ridiculous vanity project: http://www.iomtoday.co.im/article.cfm?id=54103&headline=Geese sculpture plan for Fort Island road§ionIs=NEWS&searchyear=2020 with illuminated external lighting features when the island is trying to be recognised as a Dark Sky destination.

The objectors rational to the planners regarding the development of Skeddan Veg is an amusing read, with added irony if you study the original planners report. 

The members are yet again being canvassed via an online poll on the Golf Links website to answer: As a member are you..... A.  In favour of the Planning Authority expediting the planning application. B. Believe that the time being taken by the Planning Authority is reasonable, notwithstanding that they haven't committed to a date of determination. 

It's worth noting that the Links owners were dismayed in January 18 with the members neutral stance, and unwillingness to get involved with what many members believe is an unreasonable objection by the owners and DRA regarding the hotel development. I believe that Dandara's application is excellent as do the golf members that I have spoken with, however, some of the comments at the DRA meetings that I attended were laughable.


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56 minutes ago, Andy Onchan said:

There’s nominally accessible, ie no steps up. But then everything is able bodied only.

Then there’s truly accessible, wider stall doors, space on both sides of the lavatory to allow a wheelchair user to transfer.

Guess which Shore Road is.

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3 minutes ago, John Wright said:

There’s nominally accessible, ie no steps up. But then everything is able bodied only.

Then there’s truly accessible, wider stall doors, space on both sides of the lavatory to allow a wheelchair user to transfer.

Guess which Shore Road is.

Well, perhaps a message to PE Commissioners wouldn't go amiss as they seem to be contravening the law in that case?

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15 minutes ago, Andy Onchan said:

Well, perhaps a message to PE Commissioners wouldn't go amiss as they seem to be contravening the law in that case?

Most places aren’t compliant. I saw a newly opened opticians in Castletown the other day. Total new shopfront. That will have required permissions, but still two steps to get in.

I doubt the old loos could be made compliant.

That’s one of the reasons why the old Nook required substantial work. And it’s footprint really didn’t accommodate adequate kitchen and store facilities and on site lavatory and accessibility.

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Are you talking about the toilets on Port Erin lower prom with the massive concrete ramp and the disabled loo in the middle between the gents and ladies either side?


Edited by TheTeapot
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2 hours ago, Ďouglas Peel said:

Where exactly is the Bay Green situated?

It’s on the first floor of the golf club building. Follow the signs from Derbyhaven, there’s car parking outside, you enter through the golf club main door and take the stairs in front of you.

Edited by Hillside
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4 hours ago, The Lurker said:

Which is the biggest problem Port Erin faces; build 'luxury' apartments many of which are not occupied full time and the remaining population cannot support the village services. 

If everyone who could afford to buy one of those flats actually lived there and engaged in the village it would be a very different place with thriving good quality hostelries.

Absolutely gutted about The Bay closing but it's being getting quieter and quieter over the last ten years.

When PE marine lab closed the bay lost it's cheap student labour and it's best customers in one fell swoop.

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4 hours ago, Will Halsall said:

To be fair, the delays to the Old Golf Links Hotel being renovated are down to the South African owners of the Golf Links and Derbyhaven Residents Association, who in my humble opinion appear to treat the peninsular as their own personal fiefdom. Dandara/Fort Island Developments have acted responsibly and with integrity regarding the Old Links Hotel, and the Nimbism of DRA is there for all to see as this judgment from as far back as 2013 substantiates: https://www.judgments.im/content/J1462.htm

The road from Derbyhaven to both Fort Island and Langness Lighthouse is now like a gated community, with ugly timber posts designed to restrict parking for the public to access to the beach The recent appearance of berms (unsightly soil mounds) around the hotel by the golf course owners (obviously strategically placed to restrict the view from areas of the hotel when it's rebuilt) are equally as unnatural to the area. Then you have this ridiculous vanity project: http://www.iomtoday.co.im/article.cfm?id=54103&headline=Geese sculpture plan for Fort Island road§ionIs=NEWS&searchyear=2020 with illuminated external lighting features when the island is trying to be recognised as a Dark Sky destination.

The objectors rational to the planners regarding the development of Skeddan Veg is an amusing read, with added irony if you study the original planners report. 

The members are yet again being canvassed via an online poll on the Golf Links website to answer: As a member are you..... A.  In favour of the Planning Authority expediting the planning application. B. Believe that the time being taken by the Planning Authority is reasonable, notwithstanding that they haven't committed to a date of determination. 

It's worth noting that the Links owners were dismayed in January 18 with the members neutral stance, and unwillingness to get involved with what many members believe is an unreasonable objection by the owners and DRA regarding the hotel development. I believe that Dandara's application is excellent as do the golf members that I have spoken with, however, some of the comments at the DRA meetings that I attended were laughable.


As one of the most important wildlife sites on the IOM it shouldn't even be considered in its current format, developers profits do not and should not trump the destruction of the islands natural resources.

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..............As one of the most important wildlife sites on the IOM it shouldn't even be considered in its current format, developers profits do not and should not trump the destruction of the islands natural resources. ..............

Surely the footprint of the proposed Hotel site will be similar to present? Any historic damage to the environment/wildlife existence in this area is already in place. Except, of course, that the length of time for the development to start has led to 'reverting to nature' state of the site, I'm sure the Lizards wil have made use of the ruins but that is a consequence of the re-development process.

Longer historical damage the the wildlife environment will be from the golf course creation but I.m sure the DRA would not want that to be removed!!!

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