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Chinese Phones.


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No worse than google, facebook or amazon doing it for the CIA.

Stinky posted an interesting link the other day about this, the head of MI6 basically saying we've got to build this tech for ourselves so that we can listen to you instead of those dastardly chinese.

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I've said for many years that the internet, for all its attributes, has the potential to render the world ungovernable. Governments are slow to react to spontaneous movements gestated online. It only needs to acquire critical mass and those masses don't even need to understand what they are doing to be so led.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have an oppo phone. Pretty good. Hundred and fifty quid for a 64gb 4g device.It can do dual sims and micro sd.

The hardware is not the problem. Its the apps

In China, we use an app called wechat. China is effectivly a cashless society now. Everything is paid by app. Everything from street farmers selling cabages, busses, cars, toy shops. 

I have trouble buying a 10p pack of tisues now. I use cash, they want wechat pay or alipay.

That means every transaction is recorded. And the ppl who dont pay tax are in for a big shock.  Every movement and every purchase is recorded.

All this spy hardware stuff is crap. As a manufacturer in China, I know its crap.

The power is the knowlege of knowing where your money comes from and where you spend it

The hardware does not do this. Its the software.

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In manufacturing, there is a thing called a BOM. Bill of materials. Big companies might have a supply chain that involves a half million ppl. Foxconn makes iphones, and employs 3/4 of a million people.

Trust me..,secret chip number x0u5 would be spotted on the Bom.

lets get real.

lets estimate 3 million chinese working in telecoms. Each and every one of them can get a passport.. and maybe a visa.

Indeed , I know lots of Chinese who are senior managers for companies such as flectronics and lenovo.

Has a single one claimed asylum? Has the been spilled?

Has a single line operator gone to Thailand on holiday and claimed asylum,because they were forced to falsify a BOM...to hide a secret spy chip?

This spy stuff is nonsense. Its paranoid cold war crap.

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