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1 hour ago, woody2 said:

it would only be fair and democratic to wait another 40+ years.......

Not according to Farage. Before the referendum he said that if the result was close then there would be a strong case for a second referendum. He was right.

Nigel Farage: Narrow Remain win may lead to second referendum - BBC 17 May 2016


There could be unstoppable demand for a re-run of the EU referendum if Remain wins by a narrow margin on 23 June, UKIP leader Nigel Farage has said.


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Just now, woody2 said:

2015 ge

2016 ref

2017 ge

the public have spoken........

You're being surprisingly simplistic. It's much more nuanced.

The 2015 and 2017 general elections were still essentially won by the moderate centre vote. In 2017 just enough of the centre stuck with Mrs May for her to win. In the hope of a sensible soft Brexit. No matter what the manifesto promised. Both parties promised to respect the referendum result - but everyone with a brain knew that they were just saying that because they had to - that it wasn't the whole story. And nobody voted Liberal because they aren't viable.

The sensible pragmatic centre vote has been split for years. But it's where elections are won. When Labour and the Tories finally split the political fringes will be quite rightly marginalised for good.

The new name for soft Brexit is managed - no deal. It's the same thing whatever you call it.

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It's a total fuck-up because it's built on a total fuck-up in the first place. A stupid referendum handing over one of the most complex political and economic decisions in this nation's history, to a public who (despite what they say now) didn't even know what they were voting for. How many knew about EFTA and the EEA; Canada ++ or the Norway option; CETA; the Irish backstop; WTO rules; non-tariff barriers; Article 50; the CAP and CFP etc. Even most of the politicians and media commentators still can't quite get their head around it all.

I don't agree with a second referendum. Parliament needs to sort it out with a suspension of the Whips and a series of free votes on where we go from here. Brexit or bust is the dumb option to me. Something like May's deal if it can be amended to appease most of the free-market Brexiteers, seems to be the only direction from here. 


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In 2015 In March 2016 the public voted hugely in favour of naming the new Arctic Survey Vessel ‘Boaty McBoatface’. The renamers, headed up by entitled millionaire professional politician Jo Johnson, refused to accept the people’s vote and presented a crappy compromise - they chose the name they liked; ‘RSS Sir David Attenborough’, and only acknowledged the people’s vote by naming one of  it’s remote controlled submersibles Boaty McBoatface. The public just seemed to accept that their betters knew better, and the renamers just assumed that votes could be ignored. 

There is a culture of bogus ‘consultations’, ‘big conversations’, ‘focus group consensus’ and even ‘votes’ being manipulated to facilitate and justify the actions of an autocracy that thinks it knows best. There has also been a lot of bogus ‘sorry, can’t do that because of EU regs’, to avoid providing what the voters asked for. I think the Brexit vote was the public sticking two fingers up to the patronising and undemocratic elites of the U.K. Whatever Brexit happens, it will be crap, it will diminish Britain and impoverish many. I don’t believe for a minute that it will address the democratic deficit in the U.K. - but I do respect the sentiment. Whilst people feel like this they will vote angrily and irrationally, and the centre ground, sensible politicians will be the losers, and the U.K. will end up with a Corbyn or a David Davis running the place, in which case the U.K. may as well rename itself Boaty McBoatface. 


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7 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

In 2015 In March 2016 the public voted hugely in favour of naming the new Arctic Survey Vessel ‘Boaty McBoatface’. The renamers, headed up by entitled millionaire professional politician Jo Johnson, refused to accept the people’s vote and presented a crappy compromise - they chose the name they liked; ‘RSS Sir David Attenborough’, and only acknowledged the people’s vote by naming one of  it’s remote controlled submersibles Boaty McBoatface. The public just seemed to accept that their betters knew better, and the renamers just assumed that votes could be ignored. 

There is a culture of bogus ‘consultations’, ‘big conversations’, ‘focus group consensus’ and even ‘votes’ being manipulated to facilitate and justify the actions of an autocracy that thinks it knows best. There has also been a lot of bogus ‘sorry, can’t do that because of EU regs’, to avoid providing what the voters asked for. I think the Brexit vote was the public sticking two fingers up to the patronising and undemocratic elites of the U.K. Whatever Brexit happens, it will be crap, it will diminish Britain and impoverish many. I don’t believe for a minute that it will address the democratic deficit in the U.K. - but I do respect the sentiment. Whilst people feel like this they will vote angrily and irrationally, and the centre ground, sensible politicians will be the losers, and the U.K. will end up with a Corbyn or a David Davis running the place, in which case the U.K. may as well rename itself Boaty McBoatface. 


Don't be silly.

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14 hours ago, pongo said:

You're being surprisingly simplistic. It's much more nuanced.

The 2015 and 2017 general elections were still essentially won by the moderate centre vote. In 2017 just enough of the centre stuck with Mrs May for her to win. In the hope of a sensible soft Brexit. No matter what the manifesto promised. Both parties promised to respect the referendum result - but everyone with a brain knew that they were just saying that because they had to - that it wasn't the whole story. And nobody voted Liberal because they aren't viable.

The sensible pragmatic centre vote has been split for years. But it's where elections are won. When Labour and the Tories finally split the political fringes will be quite rightly marginalised for good.

The new name for soft Brexit is managed - no deal. It's the same thing whatever you call it.


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