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Professor Wolfgang Scheisse was a fave of mine for abusing those hapless cretins.


Reverend Sylvester B Wilde is another of mine.

My personal favourite though is Dr Pablomitri StJohn Smythe.

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After adding my 'crosser onto Manxnet classifieds I've had two of these @ssholes already trying to scam me out of my bike within 24 hours.


It's a nice world at times isn't it.

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Wow. i hadnt relised that so many people shared my perverse joy at winding these tw@s up.

My efforts are poor compared to these brilliant scambaiters.

I cant wait for my next approach to apply the lessons ive learned.

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St John Smythe? Is that James Bond's alias


Yes it is. :) Roger Moore in View to a kill. Naturally my fave as it has Chris Walken in it.


Mollag - enjoy yourself and you can learn tons from stuff on 419eater. Your best ally is a good imagination and sense of humour, but the most important thing is to never ever give them any info about yourself that's true or could lead them back to you. They probably couldn't be bothered coming to get you for winding them up but best not to take any chances!


Multiple characters work well as proven by Dr Pablo/Miss Ing/Mr T etc, and if you want a free fax/voicemail number check out K7.net


Go get em!


Oh yeah - fake 'passports' that could no way be believed are useful forms of ID for them too. My main one has a picture of Devon Miles from knightrider, a yak, the jolly green giant, roger moore's autograph, and some 'Polish' that I invented.

I sent it to John Begki and received compliments on what a handsome man I am!

Priceless. :D

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It's a long story but our mate Paul is Pablo, and we always say 'Trust Pablo' so my mate and I thought we'd see who could be first to get a picture of a scammer holding a sign saying trust pablo, hence all the websites & fake identities were born.


The story of Global Oil is the best so far and it's mostly my mate's work but I gave him quite a few of the plot ideas at points where he kept saying "I'm bored with this idiot now and can't be bothered".


Viva Trust Pablo....

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Congrat's and Respect for this highly amusing adventure! I wish I had heard of Scambaiting before - all that wasted time in front of the screen...


At least I have a new hobby now :)


Yours sincerely,



Budding Musician

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What a brilliant bunch you are. It's wonderful.


This has got me in stiches



Finally we see the fully tuned animal sitting happily as if nothing has changed, except that now he has the incredible ability to communicate my MERE THOUGHTS ALONE with any common or garden badger. Unfortunately our prototype volunteer Biggles (shown here) suffered a severe reaction (resulting in convulsions & paralysis) to some of the components used, but these were cheap, black market components which we no longer use.



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Regarding Mr. T, I know that he definitely flew on the flight, as his friends (and my friends) Murdoch and Hannibal took him too the airport, gave him some milk, and put him on the plane.

I must have missed this bit before, the story makes sense now.


Face man was busy with me at the time.

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Anyone looking for suitable pseudonyms could do worse than look at the real names of movie stars (e.g. Marion Morrison/John Wayne), writers (e.g. Samuel Clemens/Mark Twain) or pop stars (e.g. Gordon Sumner/Sting). :)

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What a brilliant bunch you are. It's wonderful.


This has got me in stiches



Finally we see the fully tuned animal sitting happily as if nothing has changed, except that now he has the incredible ability to communicate my MERE THOUGHTS ALONE with any common or garden badger. Unfortunately our prototype volunteer Biggles (shown here) suffered a severe reaction (resulting in convulsions & paralysis) to some of the components used, but these were cheap, black market components which we no longer use.




I must admit I was quite proud of myself for that, and the scientific graphs on there. We just can't get over the unbelievably ridiculous stuff that you can feed these berks with and they lap it up & keep coming back for more because they think they're the ones scamming you!!!

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Sorry to bring up a topic from page 2 again, but just visited a link from the above mentioned 419eater website - Artists Against 419.


Next to the fact that there seem to be a large number of fake "online banks" around, I thought it would be worth mentioning a little tool they have on their site - the "Lad Vampire", a page you open in your browser, and it does nothing else but to constantly reload the pictures of a scammer's website..


If you're into webhosting (or even if you're not), you probably know that bandwidth can be the most precious and pricy thing when it comes to hosting your site - well, the little Lad Vamp sucks up bandwidth from scammers all the time and is (hopefully) costing them serious money - it keeps on sucking until the server gives a 509 - Just thought that this little thing would be well worth mentioning...


Here's the direct link to Lad Vampire

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Problem with that is most of the ones I've encountered don't have websites. Would work well for the ones like the 'fake lottery' sites that send you dodgy emails though!

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