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BREXIT Party launches - no surprise there.

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I suppose Farage must need a job. Fair enough. But the woman who started that party seems proper bonkers.

On the plus side it has the potential to split the UKIP vote which seems like a bit of an own goal for the loony right. And it's going to be a giggle to see who they manage to find to stand as candidates. Presumably Captain Mainwaring types and cor-blimey geezers :)

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22 hours ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:

Inevitable I suppose given that the voice of 17.4 Million people is being ignored.

17.4 million people did not vote for an all-or-nothing, scorched-earth, no-deal exit. Only a dangerously nihilistic fringe support that. Some of them in the London Parliament - but most of them either unemployable or retired.

The sensible majority, whether they voted leave or remain, support a pragmatic and business focused outcome which minimises disruption and does the least damage to the economy. Accepting that the very fact of Brexit is damaging the economy. As evidenced by the latest figures re the all important services sector ... one of Britain's most significant sectors. And as evidenced by the pressure many small companies are now under to stockpile resources.

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Paul Nuttal might be free to join, if he isn’t busy working on a PhD, working for charity or filing out MEP expenses claims.

I suppose, after Brexit, you’ll need a party with even stupider ideas. What mental policies do you expect to see a. non-racist, post-Brexit far-right party put forward? 

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On 2/8/2019 at 9:30 PM, Manximus Aururaneus said:


Inevitable I suppose given that the voice of 17.4 Million people is being ignored.

With Germany now in recession, and the UK economy growing, they will have a decent head-start on project fear.

Err, Germany isn't in recession. You need two consecutive quarters of negative growth for that.

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