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3 minutes ago, piebaps said:

New conspiracy theory, ace.

It's always fun to have a new one on the go and it's cosey to just go along with whatever we are told by the authorities that everything is safe as houses.

In this case, as with mobile phone masts or indeed mobile phones themselves (held close to our heads) it is worth thinking about. What little is known about how the human brain works, includes that it operates on micro-voltage electricity charge by many billions of its very own batteries etc.

You will be aware of how an electric current can exert physical forces and interrupt other electrical force and blah blah blah. And consider how the simple electric motor works for example.

It would be extraordinary if introducing all these electrical signals into our homes didn't have an affect on the human body and brain in particular.

But if it saves us money then it must be alright.

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1 hour ago, Andy Onchan said:

I have all of the above now and that's without having a Smart Meter installed!

I am sorry to hear about that Andy and you could do with checking for emf around you. If you use laptops, work in close proximity to routers, around wifi products, wear a fitbit etc, then these may be the cause. I hope that you find out whats causing the problem.

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7 minutes ago, manxy said:

I am sorry to hear about that Andy and you could do with checking for emf around you. If you use laptops, work in close proximity to routers, around wifi products, wear a fitbit etc, then these may be the cause. I hope that you find out whats causing the problem.

It's called old age!

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38 minutes ago, gettafa said:

It's always fun to have a new one on the go and it's cosey to just go along with whatever we are told by the authorities that everything is safe as houses.

In this case, as with mobile phone masts or indeed mobile phones themselves (held close to our heads) it is worth thinking about. What little is known about how the human brain works, includes that it operates on micro-voltage electricity charge by many billions of its very own batteries etc.

You will be aware of how an electric current can exert physical forces and interrupt other electrical force and blah blah blah. And consider how the simple electric motor works for example.

It would be extraordinary if introducing all these electrical signals into our homes didn't have an affect on the human body and brain in particular.

But if it saves us money then it must be alright.

I was with you up to the last sentence!

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10 hours ago, manxy said:

The Manx public will soon be having the addition of a brand new Smart Meter.

You should be given the option of an opt out clause and should you believe that the information out in the public domain is not conclusive regards health issues, possible cancer etc, then that is your prerogative and you can take the option of having one and take the risk and responsibility on behalf of those living with you. Personally, I will not be having this device fitted and will keep the analogue system that has not been a problem to me.

Why am I against the new untested technology? Then read the following link

Smart Meter info

Other health issues that have been connected with smart meters are:

learning and memory problems

difficulty sleeping




anxiety and depression


skin reaction

hyperactivity in children


and many more

Remember - It's your choice, your life and there's nothing wrong with the old system as it gives you freedom of choice when you want a shower or wash your clothes etc, etc, but most importantly, lets have proper tests done as gambling with peoples lives for the sake of making a profit is wrong, no matter however the telecom industry twists it.


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10 hours ago, manxy said:

The Manx public will soon be having the addition of a brand new Smart Meter.

You should be given the option of an opt out clause and should you believe that the information out in the public domain is not conclusive regards health issues, possible cancer etc, then that is your prerogative and you can take the option of having one and take the risk and responsibility on behalf of those living with you. Personally, I will not be having this device fitted and will keep the analogue system that has not been a problem to me.

Why am I against the new untested technology? Then read the following link

Smart Meter info

Other health issues that have been connected with smart meters are:

learning and memory problems

difficulty sleeping




anxiety and depression


skin reaction

hyperactivity in children


and many more

Remember - It's your choice, your life and there's nothing wrong with the old system as it gives you freedom of choice when you want a shower or wash your clothes etc, etc, but most importantly, lets have proper tests done as gambling with peoples lives for the sake of making a profit is wrong, no matter however the telecom industry twists it.


That website you linked to is quack science of the highest order and totally irresponsible.

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10 hours ago, manxy said:

The Manx public will soon be having the addition of a brand new Smart Meter.

You should be given the option of an opt out clause and should you believe that the information out in the public domain is not conclusive regards health issues, possible cancer etc, then that is your prerogative and you can take the option of having one and take the risk and responsibility on behalf of those living with you. Personally, I will not be having this device fitted and will keep the analogue system that has not been a problem to me.

Why am I against the new untested technology? Then read the following link

Smart Meter info

Other health issues that have been connected with smart meters are:

learning and memory problems

difficulty sleeping




anxiety and depression


skin reaction

hyperactivity in children


and many more

Remember - It's your choice, your life and there's nothing wrong with the old system as it gives you freedom of choice when you want a shower or wash your clothes etc, etc, but most importantly, lets have proper tests done as gambling with peoples lives for the sake of making a profit is wrong, no matter however the telecom industry twists it.


That website you linked to is quack science of the highest order and totally irresponsible.

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10 hours ago, manxy said:

The Manx public will soon be having the addition of a brand new Smart Meter.

You should be given the option of an opt out clause and should you believe that the information out in the public domain is not conclusive regards health issues, possible cancer etc, then that is your prerogative and you can take the option of having one and take the risk and responsibility on behalf of those living with you. Personally, I will not be having this device fitted and will keep the analogue system that has not been a problem to me.

Why am I against the new untested technology? Then read the following link

Smart Meter info

Other health issues that have been connected with smart meters are:

learning and memory problems

difficulty sleeping




anxiety and depression


skin reaction

hyperactivity in children


and many more

Remember - It's your choice, your life and there's nothing wrong with the old system as it gives you freedom of choice when you want a shower or wash your clothes etc, etc, but most importantly, lets have proper tests done as gambling with peoples lives for the sake of making a profit is wrong, no matter however the telecom industry twists it.


That website you linked to is quack science of the highest order and a totally irresponsible source for information about cancer. Unless you're a flat-earther that is.

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10 hours ago, manxy said:

The Manx public will soon be having the addition of a brand new Smart Meter.

You should be given the option of an opt out clause and should you believe that the information out in the public domain is not conclusive regards health issues, possible cancer etc, then that is your prerogative and you can take the option of having one and take the risk and responsibility on behalf of those living with you. Personally, I will not be having this device fitted and will keep the analogue system that has not been a problem to me.

Why am I against the new untested technology? Then read the following link

Smart Meter info

Other health issues that have been connected with smart meters are:

learning and memory problems

difficulty sleeping




anxiety and depression


skin reaction

hyperactivity in children


and many more

Remember - It's your choice, your life and there's nothing wrong with the old system as it gives you freedom of choice when you want a shower or wash your clothes etc, etc, but most importantly, lets have proper tests done as gambling with peoples lives for the sake of making a profit is wrong, no matter however the telecom industry twists it.


The Forums software obviously agrees with me as it published the same post several times...

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There is great doubt being cast on the positive spin that has been put on the smart meters.   A lot of councils away have halted installations in social housing, this was reported in the media.   Of course the Island is blessed with an abundance of experts of everything under the sun so they will no doubt have superior knowledge.   If you disbelieve me, about the homegrown and imported experts, just listen to Talking Heads, from engineering to marine to anything we have them, yes, we have them.

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