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Right wing Terrorism


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1 minute ago, RIchard Britten said:

Being an apologist for an apologist of a terrorist and mass murderer is not a welcome trait in any normal thinking person.


An apologist seeks to justify. Nobody is doing that. They are offering an opinion on contributory causes of such events. You simply cannot stomach any opinion that questions liberal policies, and if there are predetermined limits on your thinking about a subject because the implications are "not welcome" you will never form a rounded view on it.

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1 minute ago, woolley said:

No. Why would I? I can see carnage without doing that.

Maybe you should.  It is dripping in the same alt-right/extreme right nonsense the likes of Rog and you have been talking about.

You say you can see the carnage yet you feel somehow compelled to victim blame.


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3 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

You havent read any of the 74 page manifesto have you?

I don't think anyone needs to read anyone's manifesto to understand that actions have consequences. What we are basically seeing here is tit for tat, however unpalatable and wrong that it is. The manifestos of extremists of any kind are of no interest to me, nor should they be to anyone. We have witnessed terror attacks around the world, mainly perpetrated by Muslim extremists against innocents, now we have Western extremists attacking innocent Muslims. There is no winning by anyone in this situation, it has been brought about by clumsy and lazy government policies surrounding multiculturism.    

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3 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

Maybe you should.  It is dripping in the same alt-right/extreme right nonsense the likes of Rog and you have been talking about.

You say you can see the carnage yet you feel somehow compelled to victim blame.


I've just looked up some references to and extracts from it. It's clearly written by a nutter. I could have told you that without looking it up. I think you have a blindspot in your understanding of blame. I can't speak for Rog, but I am not blaming the victims of this or Islamic atrocities. I am blaming the social experiment freaks who decided it would be a great idea to put all of the ingredients for a war between extremists together on the streets of our cities. Everyone, whoever they are, suffers either the violence or the spectre of it.

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7 minutes ago, woolley said:

I am blaming the social experiment freaks who decided it would be a great idea to put all of the ingredients for a war between extremists together on the streets of our cities.

So the problem isn't the majority of people, who just go about their daily lives, but the extremists (on both sides).

The problem isn't multiculturalism, but the hate and ignorance (on both sides) of the extreme minority who struggle to live with reality. 

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1 minute ago, RIchard Britten said:

So the problem isn't the majority of people, who just go about their daily lives, but the extremists (on both sides).

The problem isn't multiculturalism, but the hate and ignorance (on both sides) of the extreme minority who struggle to live with reality. 

Hate and ignorance by minorities on all sides is part and parcel of reality! It's integral to and indivisible from human nature. That is what multiculturalism fails to grasp and that is its fundamental flaw.

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11 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

What's also mental is the guys choice of music on his drive to the mosque. I don't know what it is, but it sounds like german oompah music.

It's a marching anthem for the Serbian Nationalist Paramilitary, the Chetniks, apparently.

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Just now, woolley said:

Hate and ignorance by minorities on all sides is part and parcel of reality! It's integral to and indivisible from human nature. That is what multiculturalism fails to grasp and that is its fundamental flaw.

You see a flaw because of the hate filled few, I see success because the massive majority who live together and get on with their lives.

What a grim and unfortunate out look you have on life.




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