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16 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

I’d agree with that. It’s appears to be a very concerted campaign by Cretney Snr who is certainly pulling the strings. She sent out 3,000 Xmas cards at Xmas. Who does that? And where does the mailing list (as that’s all it is) come from? I bet they were even Moochers cards. And most of her social media posts are intermeshed with daddies or references to daddy. It’s quite a cynical campaign for those who aren’t daft enough to buy into it. She is constantly on Facebook pushing the Cretney family “brand” there is a clear social media campaign being managed by someone with more self publicity skills than she’s got. 

Yeah, because a woman couldn't possibly think for herself. 


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Manx Radio also put a dumbed down version on the 11.00am news the contractor is due over in the next few weeks so it will get sorted 🤣 I don’t really see the problem it is only three years come March since this pantomime started, cost north of four and a half million and if a a few children get their heads bumped or in one case split open and taken to hospital well……..It is a disgrace but lessons will be learned and next time we buy flumes we will not get them from Turkey although probably it was some clown who took the measurements inaccurately 🤗 but we will never know.

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3 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

Was that a dumbed down version or just the version announced by that South African news reader who sounds like Patsy Kensit in Lethal Weapon 2? I can never actually understand a word she says (let alone the Manx place names she refers to) making most news bulletins totally incomprehensible. 

Quite, she was on about flights to eedin burger the other day!

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4 hours ago, Ringy Rose said:

The alternatives were pisspoor, "I was a pilot you know" and an illiterate diatribe about civil servants. Her policies are sensible and attractive, but not just in comparison.

I voted for her and I'm new enough to the island to not have a scooby who David Cretney is.

It's interesting how you're equally unpleasant about Claire Christian. I wonder why that might be...

ETA I'd be astounded if Sarah Maltby was so rude as to say what has been reported. I suspect it's more that some numbnuts on Facebook was correctly signposted to the NSC and/or DESC and took the hump.


The candidates at this years election were piss poor. At least, Cregeen, Peake, Harmer, Boot, Baker we’re voted out. Whilst Quine wasn’t re-elected, I didn’t think he was the worst MHK by a long shot, he was unfortunate. 

I don’t think I have been ‘unpleasant’ as regard to Clare Christian at all. I don’t particularly rate her in all honesty. Another IOMG toady, especially when they have vested interests, much like many other MHKs.   You are entitled to vote for whoever you see fit. We live in a democratic society (though it could be said, on the IOM that is debatable) and the voters have spoken.

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3 hours ago, hissingsid said:

Manx Radio also put a dumbed down version on the 11.00am news the contractor is due over in the next few weeks so it will get sorted 🤣 I don’t really see the problem it is only three years come March since this pantomime started, cost north of four and a half million and if a a few children get their heads bumped or in one case split open and taken to hospital well……..It is a disgrace but lessons will be learned and next time we buy flumes we will not get them from Turkey although probably it was some clown who took the measurements inaccurately 🤗 but we will never know.

It annoys me that this has taken so long, cost so much and turned into a political issue. A crowd on Vader's Facebook page were ranting about it, blaming the politicians etc, that annoys me too. I don't know how many politicians would be familiar with the workings of a water slide, or how many DoI engineers either? This, like every clusterfuck in recent times, has very little to do with politicians and everything to do with a lack of competence in project management by the engineers and surveyors of the department. We really seem to be severely lacking in the skill sets required in just identifying problems and acting on them at an early stage! It seems that there is a tick box attitude to projects, rather than a hands on understanding of what is happening. As long as the signage at the sites is correct, the correct colour hi-viz and hard hat, the rest goes to hell in a handcart every time! 

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14 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

There’s someone on there made a very good comment about where is the overlap between incompetence and fraud though. It is hard to believe that all this out of control big budget procurement isn’t potentially making some people millions on the sly.

I would seriously hope that anyone involved in that sort of thing would be spending the rest of their days in the bowels of Castle Rushen!

I think the only fraud involved in all of these disasters is that decisions are made which lead to the advancement of careers, rather than to the betterment of the island and its people! This is a serious and real issue and needs exposing, the difficulty is that they are all at it in some way or other! 

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7 minutes ago, Max Power said:

I would seriously hope that anyone involved in that sort of thing would be spending the rest of their days in the bowels of Castle Rushen!

I think the only fraud involved in all of these disasters is that decisions are made which lead to the advancement of careers, rather than to the betterment of the island and its people! This is a serious and real issue and needs exposing, the difficulty is that they are all at it in some way or other! 

It's just another thing for the lumpy rug!

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1 hour ago, offshoremanxman said:

It grates my teeth every time I hear it. It’s like you’re driving home listening to Jo’berg FM rather than the local radio station where you actually live. Can we not even find someone local to read the news in a government owned national public service broadcaster? 

I suspect not. I asked a Programme Controller some years ago how many applications he got from Manx people for presenter jobs. I think he said less than a handful a year. 

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11 minutes ago, Max Power said:

I would seriously hope that anyone involved in that sort of thing would be spending the rest of their days in the bowels of Castle Rushen!

I think the only fraud involved in all of these disasters is that decisions are made which lead to the advancement of careers, rather than to the betterment of the island and its people! This is a serious and real issue and needs exposing, the difficulty is that they are all at it in some way or other! 

Fraud can only happen if people or practices within a department are not being monitored. As you mentioned in previous posts, project management leaves a lot to be desired. I can’t imagine either the CEO, HEOs and EOs etc would really care about things either, as long as they get their salary each month. If they treated their department budget and capital project budgets like their own individual private savings, then maybe they would have a tighter grip on things. 

A question of pride? It’s none existent within IOMG, but it exists in the private sector. 

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52 minutes ago, Max Power said:

This, like every clusterfuck in recent times, has very little to do with politicians and everything to do with a lack of competence in project management by the engineers and surveyors of the department.

It's more at procurement stage, really. The people doing the procurement aren't engineers. On both sides, before we get the anti-CS ranting, so we get sales teams promising things that can't physically be delivered or can't be delivered at the promised price. A mate works as an engineer in aerospace and despairs of her sales teams selling things that are literally physically impossible in a commercial airliner.

But when you "cut the CS headcount" you lose your specialists, everyone becomes a generalist and you get contractors and consultants in for the specialists. The DOI project managers I've worked with are on the ball but they're not specialists and have to rely on the contractors to do their job properly.

It's telling that DOI get flack but the specialist consultants who incompetently designed the Prom, and the contractors who mucked up the rest, don't get any criticism. Same with the flumes, the DOI hire specialists and get abuse when the specialists don't do the job properly.

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1 minute ago, 2112 said:

If they treated their department budget and capital project budgets like their own individual private savings, then maybe they would have a tighter grip on things. 


Because no private individual or business ever hired a builder to do a job and had said builder fail to do the job as promised.

But yes, everyone in government is bent, lazy, or both. And everyone in the private sector is as honest as the day is long.

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4 minutes ago, Ringy Rose said:

It's telling that DOI get flack but the specialist consultants who incompetently designed the Prom, and the contractors who mucked up the rest, don't get any criticism. Same with the flumes, the DOI hire specialists and get abuse when the specialists don't do the job properly.

Do you work for the DOI any chance? 😂😂 I seriously doubt the contractors f**ked up. It’s clear there was no plan and no real design as such as it changed literally 100s of times. The contractor is instructed what to deliver based on plans supplied by the contract issuer. If there aren’t any then that’s where it goes wrong. 

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20 minutes ago, Ringy Rose said:


Because no private individual or business ever hired a builder to do a job and had said builder fail to do the job as promised.

But yes, everyone in government is bent, lazy, or both. And everyone in the private sector is as honest as the day is long.

Well said

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