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2 hours ago, hissingsid said:

There was a grudging sort of half apology from Julie on MR yesterday to the kids that were hurt.   This is what really annoys me, it would have cost nothing to have shown concern for the injured children and a good P R excercise in public relations instead of playing the incidents down.   This shows a complete lack of understanding, of course Julie is not responsible for flumegate it started three years ago come March we are all aware of that but now she is in charge she has to step up and deal with problems arising and my view is she has failed dismally.

AG 's dept probably has advised not to say anything and for sure not to admit blame.  There will be legal cases over this if facebook descriptions are to be believed . ie ..daughter with head split open etc

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When I first looked at this thread (several years ago?) and heard about the "flumes", I was really impressed and thought "Wow!  Who'd have thought the Isle of Man would decide to look at such sophisticated equipment to train swimmers.  I'm really impressed!"

But that was because I'd always* understood a "flume" to be one of these:

Swim Flume: Improve Swimming Performance - T3 Tenerife (tenerifetoptraining.com)

Swim Flumes: An Alternative to Improve Swimming Performance - Swimming World News (swimmingworldmagazine.com)

It was only after seeing a photograph a few pages back that I realised that in this context a "flume" was merely a fancy word for what most normal people would call a water slide or water chute for children...   🤣

I suppose this is going to be a really stupid question and only reflects the fact I haven't lived in the IoM for over 30 years, but why did these "flumes" need to be bought from Turkey (or wherever) and why has it cost so much (have I read £4 million?) to repair them - or whatever needed doing to them?  Does nobody make them in the UK or closer by in Europe?  And why are they - allegedly - injuring little kiddies? 


*I must admit I have learned something new.  I never realised that "flume" could also mean a water slide or water chute.  Although why anybody would use an unusual and alien term rather than using one of the clearly more descriptive and familiar alternatives totally escapes me...


Edited by Ghost Ship
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I'd also call this - which I've seen in action -  a "flume", although specifically for rowing.  You can imagine how excited I was to learn the NSC had flumes!  I was imagining all kinds of hi-tech sports training kit - not a water slide!

Cambridge Rowing Tank – brought to you by Downing College

And it only cost £700,000 from scratch...

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A great business idea for the island would be to open a fully equipped "enquiry centre" to be available for public enquiries, with plush seating and recording equipment etc etc ! Booking online, decent rental.

There won't be many free weeks in the year !


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2 hours ago, asitis said:

A great business idea for the island would be to open a fully equipped "enquiry centre" to be available for public enquiries, with plush seating and recording equipment etc etc ! Booking online, decent rental.

There won't be many free weeks in the year !


How about a "FOI Enquiry Centre" along the same lines...? 😂

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  • 4 weeks later...

The latest from Ms Edge and her new found friends at the department.

Taxpayers won't foot the bill for repairing one of the new water slides at the National Sports Centre.

The education, sport and culture minister says any costs will be met by the contractor.

They've been on Island this week trying to rectify problems with the flume – it's been out of action since December after a number of people were injured on it.

Julie Edge says she won't provide a timescale for when it will reopen but her department won't be paying:

I love the way MHKs are wheeled out to spout crap when their CS masters tell them to.

The NSC may well be paying for the alterations to the flumes if what the contract the suppliers signed up to was complied with.

That it has taken 2-3 years to get to this point, says to me that the NSC don't have a leg to stand on and will continue to pay out to sort this mess of their own making.

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  • 7 months later...

Interesting story on Manx Radio:

Repair work to begin on the broken flume at the NSC

Monday, October 3rd, 2022 3:32pm

It's been shut since late December

Work to repair the broken flume at the National Sports Centre will begin tomorrow.

The flumes were reopened in November last year - after three years - but weeks later were shut again after 11 people were injured exiting one of the slides. 

In a statement, government says it's hopeful the work will be completed this week which would mean both slides can be fully functional.

The repairs will take place outside the centre’s opening hours, so all facilities, except the flumes, will remain open.

Now I can't find the government's "statement", so it's entirely possible that MR have mangled the story (they certainly have the layout), but it's fairly odd that we've had to wait nine months for someone to do a job that's only taking 3-4 days, out of hours.  Even assuming a lot of off-site fabrication, it suggests either a lack of urgency or that the contractors hadn't agreed their liability in the way claimed and they've been wrangling since.

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3 minutes ago, snowman said:

Amy parent that let's their kid on these things needs their head tested

They must be confident it will pass safety tests if they think it will be up and running in a few days. I'm not so confident tbh . It was supposed to be ok last time and 11 kids later .! 

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2 minutes ago, Numbnuts said:

They must be confident it will pass safety tests if they think it will be up and running in a few days. I'm not so confident tbh . It was supposed to be ok last time and 11 kids later .! 

Are these the same safety people that do the SMR or MER ?

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