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Oh, the irony. Press statement by minister DESC

part of the contract was that any defects had to be fixed by the contractors’, meaning that the taxpayer wasn’t picking up any further cost for the delay, having already been forced to pay £200,000 for repairs back in 2020.

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Just now, John Wright said:

Oh, the irony. Press statement by minister DESC

part of the contract was that any defects had to be fixed by the contractors’, meaning that the taxpayer wasn’t picking up any further cost for the delay, having already been forced to pay £200,000 for repairs back in 2020.

Now they've fixed this maybe they'll be brokering a Ukraine- Russia peace deal next 

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I was in the Pool on Sunday.

I didn't see anyone die. 

It's a tricky one on the blame though.  It wasn't exactly broken.  It was ejecting people a bit faster than expected.  I'd love to know how you'd work that into liabilities in a contract. 

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37 minutes ago, John Wright said:

He’s directly quoting the minister, who I believe to be female. It’s a lift from a press release.

She also confirmed that ‘part of the contract was that any defects had to be fixed by the contractors’, meaning that the taxpayer wasn’t picking up any further cost for the delay, having already been forced to pay £200,000 for repairs back in 2020.

I read it as his interpretation with the word 'meaning', he has added the last bit for dramatic licence., I can't see the Government being forced to pay anyone. We don't seem to have any decent reporters on island.

Edited by Holte End
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From what I understand, at the start of this clusterfu8k The contractors were given the wrong measurements, more precisely, they were not told that where there was a false "rock" on the "Existing Layout" plans, that it was something that could not be moved, and it was actually covering some electrical stuff or similar?

You  must remember the fake rocks?

These "rock/s" were assumed to be able to be removed and a foundation for the new slide installed in their place - Slides were fabricated on this basis, signed off and this only came to light when they tried to fit the things.

This is/ was the problem in the main. The more recent problem with the flumes hurting people is another story that I don't have any info on but I would guess that like most things that go pear shaped, people lose interest and do things to get out of a situation as quick as possible, not doing the best job they can??

The island used to be able to build stuff, BUT THINGS CHANGED for the worse

About 10 years ago the IOMG decided (On CS advice) that they did not need engineering/ building/ cost consultants to design stuff or administer construction contracts.

They took it in house and look at what we have got recently, the Prom, The SHED in L'pool, the NSC, Richmond Hill, Peel Road, ETC ETC ETC


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Its certainly cost them now , Government appear to know the cost of everything but the value of nothing , I wouldn't mind betting  all these  construction cockups  have cost this Island over £100 million over the last few years  and if you add the legal time and cost it must be eye watering , and yet Government seem oblivious  to the mess we are finding ourselves in regarding Capitol Projects , and some of the contractors  charging for the unforseen  extras  and contractual cock ups must be laughing all the way to the bank , 

If there NO ONE IN TYNWALD , prepared to Make an issue out of this  ,and at least  revert back to a situation where someone had proper control of Government projects, weather they were value for money    and they came in on time and on BUDGET 

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