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Alesha Macphail


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As a parent, I can only hope that the scumbag who inflicted so much pain on this poor child before her death, is beaten to a pulp every single day of his 27 years in prison.#

 I can't for one minute image the suffering she endured. What a complete bastard.


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28 minutes ago, woolley said:

Shocking. No doubt we'll have the bleeding hearts along to say we should try to understand and rehabilitate such reprehensible human beings. Equally shocking. Not fit to breathe the air.

Weird post.

If we don't understand the cause of a something we are doomed to repeat it.

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5 minutes ago, Declan said:

Weird post.

If we don't understand the cause of a something we are doomed to repeat it.

Some things are beyond our understanding, but I meant "understand" in the sense of empathy towards the perpetrators and their future prospects. Not sure what we can do about it as we are unlikely ever to cure it. We are essentially animals with base instincts driving us after all, and sometimes in some individuals these will come to the fore and manifest themselves in heinous crimes. I suppose we could try a bit of interventionist Darwinism by ensuring such characters don't breed.

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1 hour ago, woolley said:

Shocking. No doubt we'll have the bleeding hearts along to say we should try to understand and rehabilitate such reprehensible human beings. Equally shocking. Not fit to breathe the air.

I doubt it.

Listening to the Judge in the case it is very clear that this person showed no empathy or remorse for what he had done and in fact seemed to be amused that the Police did not arrest him immediately. 

We should, of course, try and understand why the individual turned out the way he did in the hope of preventing similar cases in future but I would be very surprised if anyone who has listened to the Judge would believe that this guy can be rehabilitated. 

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13 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

 I would be very surprised if anyone who has listened to the Judge would believe that this guy can be rehabilitated. 

I am of the opinion there are one or two on here who would be up for trying. Nobody is a lost cause for the ultra liberals.

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22 hours ago, dilligaf said:

As a parent, I can only hope that the scumbag who inflicted so much pain on this poor child before her death, is beaten to a pulp every single day of his 27 years in prison.#

 I can't for one minute image the suffering she endured. What a complete bastard.


I have to disagree. 27 years is too long and should never be beaten at all. Forced to inhale a specific quantity of Paraquat on a regular basis would be ok though.

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1 minute ago, display name said:

I have to disagree. 27 years is too long and should never be beaten at all. Forced to inhale a specific quantity of Paraquat on a regular basis would be ok though.

That would be way too quick a death for the cnut.

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35 minutes ago, display name said:

Not at all,hence the words "specific quantity"

Ok, I'll go with that, but a beating every month as well  then.? 

Having said that, no matter what that cnut gets in clink will be nothing compared to what the poor child's parents will suffer for ever.

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