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RIP - Mossad agent who led Eichmann capture dies at 92

Rushen Spy

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While serving as head of the Mossad's operational division, Eitan commanded the operation to capture Adolf Eichmann in Argentina.The operation was successful and Eichman stood trial in Israel and was thereafter executed.


I think it's a brilliant example of Karma in action that in 1938 there was a powerful Third Reich at the height of its power which they believed would rule for a thousand years, but only a decade later it has been totally obliterated; and the Jewish people they were persecuting and murdered millions of would go on to re-establish their nation (1948); and then just over another decade later (1960) their intelligence service would bring one of the Third Reich's most notorious war criminals to justice.


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1 hour ago, Rushen Spy said:

ISIS has been obliterated.

Apart from all those who have made their way back whence they came from...possibly still "radicalised"...?

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1 minute ago, Rushen Spy said:

Yeh, but within ten years all this political correct b0ll0cks will have gotten pretty old and I imagine these cretins returning will be sorted out by then.

Or grown in numbers...

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5 minutes ago, Rushen Spy said:

You can't judge future generations for the crimes of the present.

Correct but history seems to have shown that generation after generation don’t appear to have learned life’s lessons. Hence the continual wars/conflicts

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5 hours ago, Rushen Spy said:

You can't judge future generations for the crimes of the present.

Crimes have been committed based on our reality, but no crimes have been committed from an Islam reality other than those acts that run counter to Shar'ia. 

And reality is the right word. 

For devout observant Muslims our perception of the world is poles apart from theirs.

It is us who are the sinners. Our government based on democratic choice and the ability to decide what is legal to do and what is not is to them rank blasphemy.



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7 hours ago, Rushen Spy said:

ISIS has been obliterated.

The land occupied by the Caliphate no doubt soon be taken back but the Caliphate, or more likely DAESH is a whole lot more than the occupancy of an area of land.

DAESH is an idea and ideas are very hard to destroy unless the people with those ideas are destroyed. 

DAESH doesn't need land, in any case our concept of territory and borders doesn't extend into Islam.

ISIS/DAESH is about people and how they think. ISIS/DAESH is about jihad, jihad against those things that are haram, and that means us and the blasphemous lives we live.

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