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Promenade - Megathread


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15 hours ago, Neil Down said:

when you say voids, didn't somebody with an engineering background comment on this.

Tried to locate it but can't find it at the moment, something along the lines of they weren't voids but large solid blocks.

Well, if they got a geophysics firm in to survey the area then they should have a pretty good ides of what's down there. 

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9 minutes ago, Andy Onchan said:

Well, if they got a geophysics firm in to survey the area then they should have a pretty good ides of what's down there. 

Remember Andy, we are discussing the Wing and a Prayer Construction Company here...

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12 minutes ago, Andy Onchan said:

Well, if they got a geophysics firm in to survey the area then they should have a pretty good ides of what's down there. 

Pretty sure they did. It was mentioned in one of the many many debates on this in Tynwald before the current incumbents got in. That's how they knew it wasn't a simple skim they needed. But not sure why they aren't using the info now.

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2 minutes ago, Ham_N_Eggs said:

Pretty sure they did. It was mentioned in one of the many many debates on this in Tynwald before the current incumbents got in. That's how they knew it wasn't a simple skim they needed. But not sure why they aren't using the info now.

I know about these things....... I'm a Time Team anorak! :D

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1 minute ago, Ham_N_Eggs said:

Pretty sure they did. It was mentioned in one of the many many debates on this in Tynwald before the current incumbents got in. That's how they knew it wasn't a simple skim they needed. But not sure why they aren't using the info now.

The guys who built IRIS on the promenade have a reasonable idea. I think the voids are more running sand and tidal infiltration than physical holes. Either way, not load bearing. And so some of the existing pipework (1900s) is effectively floating in air. Ik this is like a fishing story, but I have heard of voids the length of a bus under the road surface

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8 hours ago, foxdaleliberationfront said:

Now DOI want to spend another half a million on a wall to protect the horse trams from the sea!!! 



It would be nice if just for once you read the full article. Instead of cherry picking the bits you can “sensationalise”

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19 hours ago, foxdaleliberationfront said:

Now DOI want to spend another half a million on a wall to protect the horse trams from the sea!!! 



Or read the previous few posts in this thread where same issue is discussed...it was always planned to do this. Just the council objected first time because it didn't look pretty enough...

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DOI is a political graveyard. Even Gawne, who's been there twice, said that it was a monster when it was first created. Too big and unwieldy though oddly not in respect of its manual workforce. It needs breaking down into manageable and above all, accountable units.

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3 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

DOI is a political graveyard. Even Gawne, who's been there twice, said that it was a monster when it was first created. Too big and unwieldy though oddly not in respect of its manual workforce. It needs breaking down into manageable and above all, accountable units.

It's not really that it's too big, it's that it's made itself too big.  It's massively over-managed and has to justify that by inventing new projects or massively inflating those that need to be done.  Which means they hire more managers[1] who then need something to keep them busy and so on.  Bigger budgets mean pay increases for those at the top and so on.

It also means that ordinary maintenance gets downgraded as not as exciting as capital projects and of course if you let things slide you may have a better excuse for the next big reconstruction.  And of course if you get rid of your manual workers, you often lose the knowledge that kept things going.

These aren't problems unique to the Island, though we have them in a particularly extreme form; however our small size ought to make things easier to correct.  On paper, Harmer ought to be the person to do it - a degree from Cambridge in Engineering ought to imply some intellectual capacity and enough background knowledge not to be bamboozled and the confidence to challenge those trying to do so.  But like many of those who go into politics with a business background he seems to see the job of a Minister as being that of a rather negligent Chairman of a slightly dodgy company: sign all the papers, smile in the photos, talk about nothing in important tones.  And of course take the 'emoluments'.


[1]  I think in that Manx Radio interview the Director of Highways proudly announced that their immediate reaction to the Prom cock-ups was to hire four more design engineers.

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8 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

Harmer - a degree from Cambridge in Engineering

It’s astonishing isn’t it? When interviewed, or speaking in Tynwald, he sounds like someone endeavouring to recover from a brain injury.

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As many on these boards first suggested they should have brought in major UK civil engineering contractors, Balfour Beatty etc. with their experience and plant. Let them hire local labour etc if required. But get the job done.

That might free up some DOI labour to get some of the roadside trees limbed around the Island. Some of the tree debris down on the roads after this evening's weather is considerable, it must only be a matter of time until it causes or contributes to an RTI.

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First, the good news. The MyProm team have issued new Phasing Plans, redrafted to take into account the delays etc.


Now the bad, although not totally unexpected news. They are already out of date. Great swathes that were supposed to have been finished last week (17th) are nowhere near finished. Meanwhile other sections have been deleted from the schedule, presumably because they don't have a clue when they'll be done!

You'd have thought, with all the focus, scrutiny and media attention, over the last week, those fuckwits, Harmer and Black would have been all over this personally, to ensure these documents were right. 



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