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Promenade - Megathread


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Did the retailers in Strand Street and Castle Street get compensated for the disruption and noise, dust etc..  when the streets got regenerated ? I do not think so they just had to suck it up and it is going to start again when the shops that are empty from salmons to the lane are changed into a five story mix of apartments and shops, whenever this happens !!!  0nce compensation gets to be the given there will be a stream of never ending demands consequently nothing will ever be done, just saying.

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"Communication is the main thing learned to date" re. the Promenade project, sayeth the good Mr Harmer (MR News).

Everybody else has learned that it's not a good thing to let a bunch of under-resourced, badly managed contractors loose on a major civil engineering job where the priority is departmental and job justification. 9 weeks behind to date. Can't wait til the overspends start being calculated and released. Assuming they are, of course.

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I still think they should have put access tunnels under the prom at 100 metre intervals and then all pipework, electrics, whatever, can be connected along the sidewalk to the access tunnels. Once all connected, the road should have been dug up, strengthened and tarmac laid over the top with no further need to cut/dig a hole in the new tarmac as like said, all the pipework goes through the access tunnels.

Ah well....A pipe dream  Hah :P

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5 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

BBC News online, Mr Harmer now announces a timetable of works review in order to try and, "Pick up time" on the 9 weeks the project is behind schedule.

Looking at it objectively it's far more than 9 weeks behind. There's just over 1 year left of the original timetable and still no sign of the 50/60 men Harmer said would be working on it. Then there's the granite on pavements and around the Sefton to lay and going on Strand street timescale that will be a year alone !! Ohhh and then there's the cracking which will have to be repaired or replaced .. The services to properties on the Prom also will take added time as you can't just throw them in ...

Edited by Numbnuts
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4 hours ago, foxdaleliberationfront said:

I'm hearing they're going to pull the plug on the horse trams early this year so they can actually crack on and get some work done.... it's about time! 

Harmer claims they're still only 9 weeks behind too! Likely story 

Some of the engineers told me it was a year behind. Note recent press now states 'substantially complete' whereas it was 'complete' no problem. 

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