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Promenade - Megathread


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6 minutes ago, Albert Tatlock said:

Whenever it finishes...£5er says cracks in the road will appear within 6 months...and the first of several major 'remedial' works will be underway.

And another fiver says that within 4 months one of the utility and/or comms companies will dig it up again!

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I predict an inquiry when it's all done that will find that DOI was equipped with insufficient experience, skills and its own or contracted resources and manpower to undertake the job.

Rumours already abound that at least one of the contractors wants "off" the job because of the way things are being handled.

Edited by Non-Believer
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  • 2 weeks later...
50 minutes ago, Dave Hedgehog said:

Just had a newsletter from the recently rediscovered myprom team. 

Finally an admission that it wont be finished on time with April 2021 the bew completion date. 

New phasing plans will be available on Friday too. Exciting times..... 

When was the original completion date Dave? 

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  • 2 weeks later...
4 minutes ago, Amadeus said:

The July one is the newest one? Why would it take months to publish that?

No idea, possiibly  just the cogs of bureacracy straining under the weight of sheer BS. 


This one is eye-opening - according to the minutes Longworth was (is?) dreaming up (a no doubt expensive) scheme to extend the MER into central Ramsey... WHY?.

Club Tynwald need to kick that one right into touch before it goes any further. 



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2 hours ago, foxdaleliberationfront said:

No idea, possiibly  just the cogs of bureacracy straining under the weight of sheer BS. 


This one is eye-opening - according to the minutes Longworth was (is?) dreaming up (a no doubt expensive) scheme to extend the MER into central Ramsey... WHY?.

Club Tynwald need to kick that one right into touch before it goes any further. 



What the feckity feck is that all about. The damn thing terminates at just about the central part of Ramsey. Further proof that Longtail should be moved out completely. Any minister that backs this crazy plan should also go.

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