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Promenade - Megathread


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55 minutes ago, Derek Flint said:

Only if Whitehall finally decides that the place is incapable of good governance.

It can't come soon enough. The sooner we drop this silly notion of independence and the idea of Manx nationalism the better off we'd all be.

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44 minutes ago, quilp said:

What English occupiers? How ridiculous. Without the imports this rock really would be stuck decades behind the times. Do you really believe there's something esoterically unique and special about the (Irish and Scots) people left on this rock after the tide went out and eventually didn't come back in again?

I think you mean came in and didn't go out again?

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So the DoI lied about contractual obligations. There wasn't any obligation at all. An excuse being used is that keeping the trams running was crucial to Island's economy, even though the trams lose money hand over fist.

Why do we put up with this lying and obfuscating administration?

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3 hours ago, quilp said:

It can't come soon enough. The sooner we drop this silly notion of independence and the idea of Manx nationalism the better off we'd all be.

The sooner the English leave the better. Everyone else is welcome, just the English to leave.

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3 hours ago, quilp said:

So the DoI lied about contractual obligations. There wasn't any obligation at all. An excuse being used is that keeping the trams running was crucial to Island's economy, even though the trams lose money hand over fist.

Why do we put up with this lying and obfuscating administration?

It seems they had no desire to listen to people who thought it a bad plan to further obstruct the new roadway nor lose money hand over fist !

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5 hours ago, foxdaleliberationfront said:

Is there a way that the voters of Peel could re-call Minister Harmer? There surely must be a way of removing an MHK?

It's not Harmer's direct fault. Nor any of those we elect.

APART from not having the departmental and relevant experience and balls to stand up to and question the reams of bullshitters and chancers that infest the upper layers of central Govt and local authorities.

Our elected at all levels are simply being led by the nose by the unelected who will ensure that the elected take the rap for foul up after foul up. Pan Govt.

Robinson, Black and Longworth need to go now from DOI as an example being set. And any of their cabal who wish to follow them should be allowed to. Without severances. The taxpayers have already paid enough.

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On 11/5/2019 at 6:25 PM, Non-Believer said:

It's not Harmer's direct fault. Nor any of those we elect.

APART from not having the departmental and relevant experience and balls to stand up to and question the reams of bullshitters and chancers that infest the upper layers of central Govt and local authorities.

Our elected at all levels are simply being led by the nose by the unelected who will ensure that the elected take the rap for foul up after foul up. Pan Govt.

Robinson, Black and Longworth need to go now from DOI as an example being set. And any of their cabal who wish to follow them should be allowed to. Without severances. The taxpayers have already paid enough.

This is spot on. Have mind blowing stories as to what's been going on and what's to come. All led and caused by complete ineptitude from DOI and completely about winging it and having no plans even for infrastructure routes .just wait as I say. 

Confirmed penalty clauses have gone . Why !!??? Because contractors are being totally held up due to no plans and lack of coordination .

Colas/Auldyn have a senior guy over from across and his job is .....to make a note of every minute or hour that they are held up due to lack of planning , materials and coordination. Have so much more info....


Edited by Numbnuts
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1 hour ago, Numbnuts said:

This is spot on. Have mind blowing stories as to what's been going on and what's to come. All led and caused by complete ineptitude from DOI and completely about winging it and having no plans even for infrastructure routes .just wait as I say. 

Confirmed penalty clauses have gone . Why !!??? Because contractors are being totally help up due to no plans and lack of coordination .

Colas/Auldyn have a senior guy over from across and his job is .....to make a note of every minute or hour that they are help up due to lack of planning , materials and coordination. Have so much more info....


I have heard concurring reports from within the construction industry. Even as far as there being no proper planning for the project from DOI.

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Me too. I found myself chatting to a relative of one of the men brought over to sort some of the issues out. He reported that he’d never seen anything like it and was desperately sorry that he’s taken the job on. Main reason for his frustration was trying to coordinate 8/10 government departments working together. It seems it’s the working together bit that’s got him banging his head against a piece of sloping red tarmac. He’s gone from hugely excited to suicidal in a month. The Isle of Man. Where you can. 

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20 minutes ago, ecobob said:

Me too. I found myself chatting to a relative of one of the men brought over to sort some of the issues out. He reported that he’d never seen anything like it and was desperately sorry that he’s taken the job on. Main reason for his frustration was trying to coordinate 8/10 government departments working together. It seems it’s the working together bit that’s got him banging his head against a piece of sloping red tarmac. He’s gone from hugely excited to suicidal in a month. The Isle of Man. Where you can. 

The silo mentality is still very much alive and kicking.

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