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Promenade - Megathread


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On 12/4/2019 at 7:26 PM, Numbnuts said:

DOI are really in a class of their own aren't they . They seemingly can't get anything right no matter what they try or throw at it . It really is incredible how incompetent they all are . That's management structure of course . Wonder are they all having a internal  competition to see who can come up with the biggest or most original scheme to totally piss us all off . I'm sorry but in private sector they would have been a cull .

Absolutely.... starting at the top.

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Broadway supposed to close last Wednesday as advertised . Didn't and it was blocked off and closed Thursday with apparently the job to take up to 4 days . Sunday it's therefore supposed to be finished and open !. Has anyone seen anything happening on it or signs of works been carried out because I haven't. Anyone else think it might off had to close due to safety issues after accident and a few near collisions ? . All seems a bit strange .  

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6 hours ago, Numbnuts said:

Broadway supposed to close last Wednesday as advertised . Didn't and it was blocked off and closed Thursday with apparently the job to take up to 4 days . Sunday it's therefore supposed to be finished and open !. Has anyone seen anything happening on it or signs of works been carried out because I haven't. Anyone else think it might off had to close due to safety issues after accident and a few near collisions ? . All seems a bit strange .

They have moved the stop sign. It now appears to be on the other side of the  road / chicane they set up at the bottom of Broadway. What they appear to be doing is making two lanes of traffic right next to the prom. Flattening out the chicane. Of course this is the DoI we're talking about so they are probably spending the time ripping up patches of tarmac surrounding the junction ever two feet for that authentic prom feel.

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Red/Pink concrete being poured today, for the first time in many months, near to Castle Mona. I wonder if they've correctly diagnosed the problem with the earlier concrete cracking, of if they're just taking a flier? 

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2 hours ago, Nellie said:

Red/Pink concrete being poured today, for the first time in many months, near to Castle Mona. I wonder if they've correctly diagnosed the problem with the earlier concrete cracking, of if they're just taking a flier? 

Whatever I'm sure they won't be telling us either way !. My money's on a flier although lots on here questioned several issues at the time as to the methods and times of pouring before . 

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3 hours ago, Dave Hedgehog said:

Busters facebook site has an FoI response about the cracked concrete. 

Basically anything they could do wrong when putting it down they did. 

The professional report which comprises the response to Buster's question make pretty grim reading. A lot of very technical guff, but basically Auldyn have laid what was in the spec.  and the spec. was deficient. Perhaps most telling is the comment that coloured asphalt would have been more appropriate.

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34 minutes ago, Nellie said:

Perhaps most telling is the comment that coloured asphalt would have been more appropriate.

But they're still laying coloured concrete anyway....? As in the pour a couple of days ago?

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On ‎11‎/‎12‎/‎2019 at 4:17 PM, Numbnuts said:

No plans drawn up for services. No interaction with Fire services re , fire hydrants. Assumed an amount and after fire services got wind it's nowhere near enough . Placement of said Hydrants not planned properly . Unable to install services due to lack of pre planning and unable then to get to areas needed due to cross over and depths etc. apparently Prom walk way in the region of Loch Prom has now probably  to be lifted to enable  pipe installations . Plans not signed off or in some cases not produced . Daily winging it as to procedures hence the piecemeal work areas . Hold ups mainly due to no preplanning and  totally lacking skill set in DOI . Incredible really and yet it's just on going . I see the rails laid after Palace are now having extra works and more fixings to them on all the fixing points. Needs to stop. The whole job...closed down for at least 4 weeks. Yes I know but the issues have to be addressed before going any further . CM needs to get a grip as clearly staff in DOI are completely incapable of handling the job. Other issues expected are levels are incorrect  in many areas and it's felt parking in some area will not be possible as the increases in gaps between rails are so increased it won't be possible to park ,allow for traffic and Trams ..it's a mess !  Cracking in concrete allegedly Specification problem and failure in plans to address temp and expansion joints and Rail and concrete expansion and contraction and failure to protect the concrete from drying out to quickly which it did. Fault lies with Government apparently .will they admit to it !! I'm sure they won't . Oh as above inter departmental lack of interaction big problem . Not really a Labour issue as they would be only standing around if more were there 

.    Submitted with permission of both parties

.    No plans drawn up for services.


Individual service plans are obtained from each service provider. This information is then collated onto a single service plan identifying all known underground infrastructure. This information is further supplemented and validated with site investigation information from trial pits and service trenches.


2.    No interaction with Fire services re fire hydrants. Assumed an amount and after fire services got wind it's nowhere near enough. Placement of said Hydrants not planned properly.


Manx Utilities liaised with IOM Fire and Rescue Service to determine the requirements for fire hydrant numbers and locations and this has been implemented with the scheme proposals.


3.    Unable to install services due to lack of pre-planning and unable then to get to areas needed due to cross over and depths etc.


All statutory authorities provided details of their requirements during the planning of the scheme. These requirements were considered both individually and as a whole with regard to their location. All existing services have to be maintained to ensure continuity of supply to customers whilst the new replacement service is installed. This restricts available space within the ground and often dictates the order in which services in particular locations can be replaced. In addition unknown and uncharted services greatly affect the designed location of proposed services and require additional design time and resource to reallocate available space. A significant number of trial holes and trenches were excavated during the planning stage to determine service locations, however not all services were located and as the promenades were built between 70 and 120 years ago the records are not adequate.


4.    Apparently, Prom walkway in the region of Loch Prom has possibly now to be lifted to enable pipe installations.


          The Promenade walkway is outside the extent of the Promenade works and as such will not have its existing level changed to accommodate the works.


5.    Plans not signed off or in some cases not produced.


All contract drawings are provided in advance of work being undertaken in any particular location. All designs are checked and approved by the relevant design team prior to being issued to the contractor.


6.    Daily winging it as to procedures hence the piecemeal work areas.


The Promenade scheme has been designed in its entirety. When unexpected conditions arise during the construction, design proposals may need to be re-examined to meet the new requirements. This is not unusual for highway construction work.


7.    Hold ups mainly due to no pre-planning and totally lacking skill set in DOI.


The scheme underwent significant planning prior to construction works commencing. The DOI has a professionally qualified and extremely experienced team of highway design engineers. The internal design team has been supported by specialist externally appointed rail designers to provide the new tramway design, whilst a small element of the rail is to be contractor designed.


8.    The rails laid after Palace are now having extra works and more fixings to them on all the fixing points.


The small section of rail fixings referred to required remedial works due to a defect during installation. This defect was notified through the correct contract channels and remediated accordingly. It is right and proper that any defect is corrected should it arise and is accounted for through the Contract.


9.    Cracking in concrete allegedly is a specification problem and failure in plans to address temp and expansion joints. Rail and concrete expansion and contraction and failure to protect the concrete from drying out to quickly which it did.


A number of independently produced reports have identified areas within the design and installation of the concrete that can be improved to help prevent the amount of cracking that has presented to date.


10. Inter departmental lack of interaction big problem. Not really a labour issue as they would be only standing around if more were there


The DOI are working closely with the DfE and Treasury to ensure the impact the Promenade works are having on stakeholders is minimised. Contractor resource is continually assessed to help maximise productivity and will be increased should this be deemed necessary. There is also good interaction with Manx Utilities who have a permanent presence on site to ensure service issues are dealt with in a timely manner.


11. The Minister instructed work to start before the design work was finished for the Broadway and Sefton areas and before anything other than speculative discussion with other service providers.


Outline design work was complete throughout the entire scheme when construction work commenced. Detailed design work in certain areas was ongoing throughout the Stage 1 (Early Contractor Involvement) phase and continued on during the Stage 2 phase. During the design development phase regular statutory authority coordination meetings were held to define the service works required. These coordination meetings have continued throughout the ECI and construction phases. The service providers haven been involved in all discussions since the first phase was designed and constructed in 2013/14.


12. He was told the prom will take 3.5 years at least. However, it 'has' to be finished before the election

The programme for the Promenade scheme formed part of the Tender process and each prospective contractor submitted a construction programme. No timescale was imposed. The target for completion of the promenade scheme is set in the Programme for Government 2016-21 approved by the Council of Ministers.

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