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14 minutes ago, thesultanofsheight said:

The department of enterprise can’t afford to lose those 15 people who come here for the horse trams from their stats. 

I think the horse trams are great. Sadly the DOI have created a complete mess of this whole project. How is redoing a road  and laying a few miles of track so hard ! It's been there for years and created without all the planners ,engineers and endless experts and right from day one it's been a totally cock up and if anything getting worse daily .Oh and no apparent voids etc which was allegedly the reason it had to be done in the first place ..lying incompetent bastards .

Edited by Numbnuts
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9 hours ago, thesultanofsheight said:

You have no need to apologize for being confused. I was just trying to work out what Neil Down meant as  he made reference to you doing something in relation to the info on page 88. Although I would imagine the answer to whether you were an intermediary in that situation or not was quite straight forward. 

I read a post on this thread from numbnuts and was discussing it in the office. One of my colleagues knows Rob Callister and asked if he could forward it to him for a response. I then asked numbnuts if he was happy to do that which he was. Not sure how the info got to RC but that was the response he gave from the DoI. Hope that makes sense

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8 hours ago, Numbnuts said:

I think the horse trams are great. Sadly the DOI have created a complete mess of this whole project. How is redoing a road  and laying a few miles of track so hard ! It's been there for years and created without all the planners ,engineers and endless experts and right from day one it's been a totally cock up and if anything getting worse daily .Oh and no apparent voids etc which was allegedly the reason it had to be done in the first place ..lying incompetent bastards .

Bit harsh, I'll bet their mums loved those sailors...

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9 minutes ago, Grounds Keeper Willy said:

This is an interesting twist in this thread but really the issue is who is going to do anything about it? The DOI seems to get away with everything no matter how bad it is. I understand they even had to re do the tarmac on Ballavitchell Lane three times so they clearly have no issues with even doing a shit job right outside the chief ministers gate. It’s not like anyone us going to do anything about it ever. 

Apart from appear on here and bemoan the fact. I don't think I'll ever get to grips with the level of incompetence they are allowed to get away with. Private sector would be sacked in a heartbeat

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14 minutes ago, Neil Down said:

Apart from appear on here and bemoan the fact. I don't think I'll ever get to grips with the level of incompetence they are allowed to get away with. Private sector would be sacked in a heartbeat

Agree with you guys about what the hell anyone can do about it. DOI clearly don't care and are happy to carry on with there cocks up and wasting constantly of tax payers money. All these committees to look into stuff seems to either come along after the horse has bolted or Like now take far to long to arrive at any conclusions. Maybe the current committee that Rob had to drop out of will do something. TBH I've said many times that this is totally where Quayle should grow some and call a halt to the whole contract , and sort the mess out. He's not doing that though as he's clearly clueless or lacking in backbone ,probably both . I'm sure all the MHK's and MLC's are completely aware of what a mess it is and I'm sure what public feeling is on it but again no urgency there it would seem to address it . The end result would seem to be going by those minutes is that we are only going to need one track so why are we getting two.? All those plans , 3 lots I think , consultations , the Murray Lambden efforts as to where the tracks were to go etc are all seemingly a waste of time and money.. DOI don't give a toss about what's supposed to be done and are going to just do what they want ...Lessons Learnt ...yes totally ..don't let DOI anywhere near any project again and sack the people responsible for the complete C***** this one is . 

Edited by Numbnuts
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Proof of the pudding will be to have RC compose and ask question(s) and see what sort of glib rebuttals, dismissals and assurances IL's toadies come back with in response.

It's where it goes after that that's the issue? There needs to be a low level inquiry into what's going on as a starter.

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32 minutes ago, Grounds Keeper Willy said:

How could that ever happen though? RC is responsible for tourism and that’s pretty much every business on the prom and including the horse trams so he has a vested interest in a lot of the cock ups already made. 

Surely that is exactly why he should ask the questions that hurt. The horse trams are a minor part of tourism and if the bulk of it (hotels and shops) are suffering then he needs to step up

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5 hours ago, Neil Down said:

I read a post on this thread from numbnuts and was discussing it in the office. One of my colleagues knows Rob Callister and asked if he could forward it to him for a response. I then asked numbnuts if he was happy to do that which he was. Not sure how the info got to RC but that was the response he gave from the DoI. Hope that makes sense

Thanks that’s a bit clearer it wasn't that easy to follow what was being said and to be fair I used the usual benchmark that there must be an element of truth to anything once Callister immediately logs in here and starts publicly denying stuff! :lol: 

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1 hour ago, Neil Down said:

Surely that is exactly why he should ask the questions that hurt. The horse trams are a minor part of tourism and if the bulk of it (hotels and shops) are suffering then he needs to step up

Regardless who asks someone needs to urgently . The mess only seems to daily getting worse . See today the Red concrete is being layed again so that must mean the legal arguments re. Cracking , has been resolved ..will we hear anything ...no chance ! My view is Auldyn has DOI over a barrel .

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Just now, Numbnuts said:

Regardless who asks someone needs to urgently . The mess only sneers to daily getting worse . See today the Red concrete is being payed again so that must mean the legal arguments re. Cracking has been resolved ..will we hear anything ...no chance ! My view is Auldyn has DOI over a barrel .

Proof read?

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FWIW (and probably not very much!) The dual carriageway "Northern Distributor Road was fully opened April 17 2018 having been started in Dec 2015.  It's a tad over 12 miles long with a bunch of roundabouts en route.

It wasn't cheap at £180 ish million but that did include buying land and a bunch of roundabouts plus some rearrangement and addition to feeder roads.  It comes out at around £1,5 mil per mile from first sod cut to open to for traffic

So can someone explain why is The Prom proving to be such a big and very expensive job?

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4 minutes ago, Rog said:

FWIW (and probably not very much!) The dual carriageway "Northern Distributor Road was fully opened April 17 2018 having been started in Dec 2015.  It's a tad over 12 miles long with a bunch of roundabouts en route.

It wasn't cheap at £180 ish million but that did include buying land and a bunch of roundabouts plus some rearrangement and addition to feeder roads.  It comes out at around £1,5 mil per mile from first sod cut to open to for traffic

So can someone explain why is The Prom proving to be such a big and very expensive job?

Did that road have traffic using it at the same time as it was being built?

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