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Promenade - Megathread


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39 minutes ago, Manx Bean said:

Brilliant. More gross incompetence from Messrs Black & Robinson. But don't worry folks. This blunder will only cost us another £1m. Chickenshit in the overall league of cock-ups.

http://www.iomtoday.co.im/article.cfm?id=53327&headline=Red signal for Prom scheme&sectionIs=NEWS&searchyear=2020

Was this public info before? That the single track section (the bit that needs 1m of signaling) will only run when there's a cruise ship in!

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1 hour ago, Manx Bean said:

Brilliant. More gross incompetence from Messrs Black & Robinson. But don't worry folks. This blunder will only cost us another £1m. Chickenshit in the overall league of cock-ups.

http://www.iomtoday.co.im/article.cfm?id=53327&headline=Red signal for Prom scheme&sectionIs=NEWS&searchyear=2020

Just put somebody there with a flag and pay them £20k for doing it. Good for 40 years

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13 minutes ago, Andy Onchan said:

Indeed. What else have they 'forgotten?

That pouring concrete right up to the rails is unbelievably dumb?

I have to say that there has probably been some malicious compliance gone on by the main contractor. Good on them in a way, "you're absolutely sure these are the specs you want, OK then", but its pretty bad really. I'd have walked off the job.

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1 hour ago, asitis said:

When does the PAC enquiry start in respect of the Prom ?


It's a good question.

The Isle of Man Government needs to get on top of this now rather than get into bed with the contractor and put out the usual homily that everything is fine.

It looks like Quayle and his CoMin buddies have found a fall guy in Tim Baker. 



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15 hours ago, Grounds Keeper Willy said:

What do you expect though? As you say he came in at the back of this after complete incompetents like Harmer, Black and Longworth had already screwed it up beyond reasonable recovery. But he’s no super hero though is he? I can’t recall Commissioner Gordon ever calling for “Shitman” to turn up and save the city from harm? Commissioner Gordon we have a problem, but don’t call Bruce Wayne as the best way to fix this is to throw another total fucking idiot at it. That will work! 

I’m sure Baker is a perfectly decent man but who is sticking their head above the pavement on this? On the DOI side Harmer has pretty much disappeared from public view, on the DfE side Callister has managed to exempt himself from being involved in any form of investigation claiming his usual conflicts of interest he creates in his head, and now on the DOI side Baker has been wheeled in to do ......... absolutely nothing. The whole thing is a crock of shit and rather than take ownership of anything they’re all running for the hills giving the people who made it a crock of shit the empowerment to make it an event bigger crock of shit. It’s civil servants who run this island not any of those bastards.

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21 minutes ago, thesultanofsheight said:

I’m sure Baker is a perfectly decent man but who is sticking their head above the pavement on this? On the DOI side Harmer has pretty much disappeared from public view, on the DfE side Callister has managed to exempt himself from being involved in any form of investigation claiming his usual conflicts of interest he creates in his head, and now on the DOI side Baker has been wheeled in to do ......... absolutely nothing. The whole thing is a crock of shit and rather than take ownership of anything they’re all running for the hills giving the people who made it a crock of shit the empowerment to make it an event bigger crock of shit. It’s civil servants who run this island not any of those bastards.

Pretty sure you are correct but everybody is wanting somebody in power to take it by the neck and shake violently until the deadwood falls out. I know when I voted last time around, it was in the hope that the new bunch would start acting as if they are representing those that voted them in. So far I have been very disappointed.

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28 minutes ago, Neil Down said:

Pretty sure you are correct but everybody is wanting somebody in power to take it by the neck and shake violently until the deadwood falls out. I know when I voted last time around, it was in the hope that the new bunch would start acting as if they are representing those that voted them in. So far I have been very disappointed.

It shouldn’t surprise you to find out why things are now that bad here. Logically it isn’t the people who are voted in for 5 years who have created this mess is it? Its the people who have been employed for 10, 15, 20 years or more etc who you can do absolutely nothing about. They can’t even be sacked. It doesn’t really matter (within reason) who you vote for. None of them can do anything about reigning any of this mess in as it’s out of control and nobody is able to wrestle control of the driving seat. 

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19 minutes ago, thesultanofsheight said:

It shouldn’t surprise you to find out why things are now that bad here. Logically it isn’t the people who are voted in for 5 years who have created this mess is it? Its the people who have been employed for 10, 15, 20 years or more etc who you can do absolutely nothing about. They can’t even be sacked. It doesn’t really matter (within reason) who you vote for. None of them can do anything about reigning any of this mess in as it’s out of control and nobody is able to wrestle control of the driving seat. 

agree with all of the above. Unless our elected lot grow a pair and start challenging then you are correct, but if enough of them have the sense and will to tackle the faceless lot then un-sackable they will remain

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3 hours ago, MadAsHell said:

Was this public info before? That the single track section (the bit that needs 1m of signaling) will only run when there's a cruise ship in!

It was, I think,  in one of the many previous proposals maybe mark V or mark VI of the prom plans that there was to be a terminus outside the Sefton with a single track( or just a corridor)along Loch prom to the sea terminal and this was only to be used (if ever built) for special events. I think Longworth did not want the section along Loch prom and when told he was getting it did the normal "toys out of the pram" that it would not be used even if built except for events. There has been no mention of it only been used as such in the plans they are working to currently though to my knowledge.

2 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

Is this signalling really needed or is this just another part of Longworth's fantasy of running the MER along the Prom?  This is getting beyond a joke now - it needs to be stopped.

No it is not. Staff and ticket operation would do just fine ( and is used on the IMR and MER,) is simple and safe, and would cost the price of a couple of broom handles to make the staffs and some paint but the problem starts when you lose the "grandfather rights" and install a completely new track layout as this has to conform to current modern safety regs. Hence the tracks crossing the prom roadway at the Summerhill end look like they will be just as before with no signalling etc but I bet you the crossing by Broadway where the track crosses from the centre of the road to the footpath will have to have all sorts of traffic and tram signals. ( I wonder if they have been budgeted for yet?)

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