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Promenade - Megathread


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We all will be seeing more of this newly laid concrete and tarmac dug up in weeks to come ! . Word has it that levels are all wrong around Quids Inn and the new tarmac laid only a week or so ago to enable single lane traffic up Marina Road outside Sam Webbs is also going to be dug up early in New year . Couldnt make it up really . Thats just what I know off . Re the red concrete Baker said a few months ago that the cracking on the red concrete was not a problem and easily fixed ...mmmmm really !? 

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1 hour ago, Dave Hedgehog said:

He didnt have a clue they were digging it up did he?

I never fail to be amazed by the amount of humiliation these politicians will tolerate, caused by the way their civil servants will just do whatever they want without even bothering to inform them, never mind listen to them. 

It also shows just how out of control the project continues to be.  Something that Moulton highlighted by showing all the currently unattended works areas while Baker blathered on about how hard and long in dreadful weather everyone was working.

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11 hours ago, Scotty said:

What a clown. He is the minister FFS. Well done Paul. Baker is useless and should go. Chocolate teapot.

Lack of accountability is the issue here, both with The DOI, Mr Black and indeed the Minister.  No body or person is holding them to account? this is the trouble with Government across the board.  The odd question may be asked but the overspend is always paid.  This laissez faire attitude wouldn't last 5 minutes in the private sector.  Mr Baker was totally unbriefed and unaware of the current state of play.

Edited by Hmmmm
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1 hour ago, Andy Onchan said:

According to NB there's a budget for the Prom work! Nearly fell off my chair laughing.

He comes over as a typical Sir Humphrey ,nodding & agreeing with Minister whilst doing something completely different and not realizing consequences 

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