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Promenade - Megathread


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Its typical of the whole CS attitude - Never admit a mistake.

Look at those 2 ice warning signs on the mountain for example, they are quite clearly the wrong way round as they both tell you the temp as you leave the mountain.

I have told the DOI about them multiple times including letters and  comments on their website and the reply I got was that they were  "Installed  Correctly"

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47 minutes ago, Sheldon said:

That Police media statement is the most astounding and cringeworthy piece of crap I've ever seen them issue, and that's up against some pretty stiff opposition. What's with the "attractive gateway" bit, are they doing the Tourism department's job now, as well as that of their "partners" at the DOI?

We have received a number of queries from motorists about the new roundels on Douglas Promenade and as a result liaised with our partners at the Isle of Man Department of Infrastructure. We would like to clarify that the roundels are not roundabouts. The two roundels should be treated as unmarked junctions as defined in the Highway Code. Drivers should approach them slowly, smoothly and giving way to other road users.
The promenade has been designed to be a shared space and many of the features are designed to reduce speed and encourage motorist to drive safely sharing the space.
Whilst the promenade is not finished yet, it is starting to take shape and is a vast improvement. When it is completed, it will certainly be an attractive gateway for visitors to our Island.

But they're not unmarked, anything but.

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2 hours ago, yorik said:

Maybe they'll define a new concept next week. The Roundelbout - treated like a roundabout Monday, Wednesday and Friday and shared space Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Sunday is a pay per view destruction derby

Dont forget we will also  drive on the right hand side of  the road on the first group  of days and the left on the others.

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1 hour ago, Sheldon said:

That Police media statement is the most astounding and cringeworthy piece of crap I've ever seen them issue, and that's up against some pretty stiff opposition. What's with the "attractive gateway" bit, are they doing the Tourism department's job now, as well as that of their "partners" at the DOI?

We have received a number of queries from motorists about the new roundels on Douglas Promenade and as a result liaised with our partners at the Isle of Man Department of Infrastructure. We would like to clarify that the roundels are not roundabouts. The two roundels should be treated as unmarked junctions as defined in the Highway Code. Drivers should approach them slowly, smoothly and giving way to other road users.
The promenade has been designed to be a shared space and many of the features are designed to reduce speed and encourage motorist to drive safely sharing the space.
Whilst the promenade is not finished yet, it is starting to take shape and is a vast improvement. When it is completed, it will certainly be an attractive gateway for visitors to our Island.

What will happen is a serious collision on one of these two ‘rounders’, between two or more cars. There will be squabbling between the police and the DOI over the rules, and to define who caused the collision. Maybe or not will the local insurance companies add their two pennerth - Tower Insurance. To me, we have Government and the Police treating it’s citizens like idiots. 

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I guess the police felt the need to get involved because of the DOI not knowing how to navigate it . It must have been embarrassing for the DOI to work for years on a plan and then not know whether the junction they had produced was a roundabout or a shared space area. So to make matters worse they put pedestrian crossings in it to further up the risk of accidents. The whole junction has now become a high risk zone with no one at the DOI having a clue about risk assessment or road safety. I think the  police are trying to explain this to try and simplify the situation for the drivers as they are the unfortunate people that will have to pick up the pieces. The DOI will sit back and explain that the Isle of Man is different and so we have to do things differently.

The prom will eventually look better after 3/4 years and 30 million pounds spent. Not difficult.! 

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14 minutes ago, emesde said:

I guess the police felt the need to get involved because of the DOI not knowing how to navigate it . It must have been embarrassing for the DOI to work for years on a plan and then not know whether the junction they had produced was a roundabout or a shared space area. So to make matters worse they put pedestrian crossings in it to further up the risk of accidents. The whole junction has now become a high risk zone with no one at the DOI having a clue about risk assessment or road safety. I think the  police are trying to explain this to try and simplify the situation for the drivers as they are the unfortunate people that will have to pick up the pieces. The DOI will sit back and explain that the Isle of Man is different and so we have to do things differently.

The prom will eventually look better after 3/4 years and 30 million pounds spent. Not difficult.! 

It will look brilliant if there is a police persecution and a clever Advocate runs rings around the police, with the outcome that the accused is acquitted, and all because the DOI got it wrong whilst the police are making up the rules. Who do you listen to - the police or the DOI? Perhaps there should be legislation incorporated into law, specifically for Roundels?

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The Police's job is to advise of and enforce rules and regulations, legally compiled, surely.

There are such regulations and rules (they have been previously posted on this thread) pertaining to the design of roundabouts, as there are with all road junctions. Therefore the Police are merely doing their job, surely?

If the DOI have gone off on some almost waccy-baccy fuelled, non-regulation-compliant design jaunt in regard of the Prom "roundabouts" then the Police are doing nothing more than their job in advising the public that such facilities are not compliant and should not be treated as a regulation compliant installation?

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There won't be a 'serious collision' because we will all be at a standstill because we don't know what the HELL IS GOING ON!!!!

Sequestration Laws? That'll focus their minds.


Certainly the Police should not be entering the political 'speak', enhancing the Gateway to the Island was the reason for all of this before the work even began. The Police should only look at the practical use of the superhighway to work.

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3 hours ago, Sheldon said:

That Police media statement is the most astounding and cringeworthy piece of crap I've ever seen them issue, and that's up against some pretty stiff opposition. What's with the "attractive gateway" bit, are they doing the Tourism department's job now, as well as that of their "partners" at the DOI?

We have received a number of queries from motorists about the new roundels on Douglas Promenade and as a result liaised with our partners at the Isle of Man Department of Infrastructure. We would like to clarify that the roundels are not roundabouts. The two roundels should be treated as unmarked junctions as defined in the Highway Code. Drivers should approach them slowly, smoothly and giving way to other road users.
The promenade has been designed to be a shared space and many of the features are designed to reduce speed and encourage motorist to drive safely sharing the space.
Whilst the promenade is not finished yet, it is starting to take shape and is a vast improvement. When it is completed, it will certainly be an attractive gateway for visitors to our Island.

Apart from the last paragraph where the police are opining on things they shouldn’t seems fair enough to me.

They have clarified the status of the roundel and given advice how to use it

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Wouldn't it be fun if some of the MF'ers who were in favour of this scheme were to look back at their initial comments now and compare it to their 'now' opinion?

We vote for them and we get the consequences of what they can persuade us that we need!!!

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