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Promenade - Megathread


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1 hour ago, Two-lane said:

If that is concrete they have allowed to set in the rail groove, they will have to chisel it out.

this will get very slippy when wet and a danger to cyclists, however it wont to anything to curtail  the cracks in the concrete that run laterally across the  track , the whole lot should come up really and expansion joints and movement plates fitted to the rails at various points , just like the original horse tram tracks had  that were laid 140 years ago !

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15 minutes ago, The Old Git said:

Possibly a daft question, but what’s the point of the pink concrete?

Is it just purely decorative?

Gold leaf would probably have been cheaper. 

Health and safety requirement apparently.

http://www.iomtoday.co.im/article.cfm?id=52764&headline=Douglas Promenade: Concrete tramway was most cost effective says Department of Infrastructure&sectionIs=news&searchyear=2019


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9 minutes ago, ellanvannin2010 said:

I call bullshit on the HSE claim. There are plenty of other tram systems operating around the world and in the UK without coloured corridors. In fact it's a lie.

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14 minutes ago, WTF said:

and thats according to government ,  the cross runway is complete according to callister but it still isn't open at guess so not complete in any real world meaning of the word

And the great mystery down there. Is the radar finished, commisioned  ?. 

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Last November Nick Black was replaced by Emily Curphey.

In the Strategic Board Minutes for the prom., Nick Black was at the meetings until his departure. In last two sets of minutes published since Curphey took over, she is not listed as being present.

There must be something more important going on that requires her presence.

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4 minutes ago, Youaintseenme said:

Or she might be a proper CEO who doesn’t need to go to every meeting and relies on people to keep her in the loop?

Maybe, in different circumstances that would be sensible.  In this case she has Ian Longworth keeping her informed, along with Jeff Robinson - he is the man who was surprised to be told that the 63mm rail gap was not permitted.

I, me, myself, personally, would be wanting to find out what was really said in these meetings, and not rely on second-hand filtered data.

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16 minutes ago, Youaintseenme said:

Or she might be a proper CEO who doesn’t need to go to every meeting and relies on people to keep her in the loop?

What a wonderful example of how things work in the Manx Civil Service that would be:  "I am head of this enormous organisation which is supposed to be helping run this ginormous country.  That means I am far, far too important to actually bother myself with its largest and most malfunctioning project.  I have 'staff' to do that".

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Not a good thing in the light of Alf Cannan's exposé of the unreliability, if not dishonesty, of some individuals within the DOI in respect of relaying information upwards.

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2 hours ago, Two-lane said:

Last November Nick Black was replaced by Emily Curphey.

In the Strategic Board Minutes for the prom., Nick Black was at the meetings until his departure. In last two sets of minutes published since Curphey took over, she is not listed as being present.

There must be something more important going on that requires her presence.

Probably no need for her attending... with the project finished on time and within budget and 100% public satisfaction, it would be a waste of her time.

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