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Promenade - Megathread


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That's their extended warranty though, you're entitled to a normal warranty under the sale of goods act. If they told you there's no warranty at all, they lied to you.


All that said, sounds like the Waltons deal is still better so good for them, I'm always happy to support local business provided they don't take the piss.

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Was in Waltons yesterday (Saturday). What a sorry mess. The first reasonable rain, the new road floods and as a result the water comes in under their front door soaking everything!

Someone really needs their ass kicked and told to find a new job.

On a side note, found a fantastic Sony 42" for £549, free 5 year warranty plus free delivery and install.

Currys have the same model, however, no free warranty, theirs costs £7.50 per month (over 5 years, 60 times £7.50 = £450.00) and £45.00 for delivery.

That's over £1000.00 in total....for the same set!!!

Real glad I checked all the 'hidden extras' at Currys.

Water damaged stock?biggrin.png

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Was in Waltons yesterday (Saturday). What a sorry mess. The first reasonable rain, the new road floods and as a result the water comes in under their front door soaking everything!


That's bloody terrible. Do you think Walton's will get compensation from the Government for this disaster clearly brought about by their ineptitude?

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Good excuse to get shut of a few inept managers, you get more hassle from building control for putting a shed up, plans, inspections ect ect, yet you spend millions on a road and nobody is checking whether the specs are being followed and the work done to the required standards.

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John Moss was interviewing Teare this morning about a payment of £400,000 with regard to the project. Worth trying to find on listen again as it shows Teare totally unable to provide a straight response to straight question. To be fair to Moss he must have asked Teare the same basic question in 5 or 6 different ways straight after each other and although he never got Teare to actually answer the question it was very evident from Moss's questioning that Teare was being very evasive and refusing to answer the question

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I'm going to dig out my old tax disc and use that for a year, digging up otherwise useless crap seems to be the way to go when it comes to the roads.


That road was pooling outside the fire station weeks ago before the top surface went on.


While we are at it, when are going to finish painting the lines arrows and hatchings? With a couple of thousand bikers due anytime soon, there is the very real chance of someone seeing it as a dual carriageway and planting themselves into someone turning right or the railings at muckdonalds.

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I'm going to dig out my old tax disc and use that for a year, digging up otherwise useless crap seems to be the way to go when it comes to the roads.


That road was pooling outside the fire station weeks ago before the top surface went on.


While we are at it, when are going to finish painting the lines arrows and hatchings? With a couple of thousand bikers due anytime soon, there is the very real chance of someone seeing it as a dual carriageway and planting themselves into someone turning right or the railings at muckdonalds.

and put some arrows for entering the Total station when coming out of town

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This really is just one enormous mess.

As usual though, I'll bet my own personal fortune (half a crown) that those responsible won't BE held responsible.

How come it always turns out to be the absolute opposite of the 'Midas Touch' whenever IOMG are involved in, or even have anything at all to do with things like this.

Yes I do understand that a private contractor was involved, but employed by IOMG, you'd think someone qualified for oversight in IOMG would have the responsibility of ensuring the drainage work (the main reason the job was undertaken in the first place!) was completed to even a reasonable professional standard....but no.....apparently not.

Edited by Sentience
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This really is just one enormous mess.

As usual though, I'll bet my own personal fortune (half a crown) that those responsible won't BE held responsible.

How come it always turns out to be the absolute opposite of the 'Midas Touch' whenever IOMG are involved in, or even have anything at all to do with things like this.

Yes I do understand that a private contractor was involved, but employed by IOMG, you'd think someone qualified for oversight in IOMG would have the responsibility of ensuring the drainage work (the main reason the job was undertaken in the first place!) was completed to even a reasonable professional standard....but no.....apparently not.

A private contractor only works to plans drawn up by the people handing out the contract and unless they are paid by every litre of paint they put down (in which case they'd be millionaires) I'm sure they just finished it off as directed by the Department of Incompetence.


What really grates on me though is: everything. Its a total fucking mess of lines, colours, kerbs, road islands, lights, bollards, signs and traffic signals. Its almost like someone said "How do we make this as expensive as possible by putting as much shit as we can possibly fit onto one small stretch of road".


You see a lot of similar projects in some of the dodgier EU member states where its self evident that some local authority has totally ragged the ass out of some EU grant or other and bunged a bunch of mafioso's 100 times the going rate for a project and they've desperately heaped a load of flashing lights and shit fittings all over the place to make it look to the average idiot that its been money well spent.

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Dear Minister Skelly


This is not an example of joined up thinking... this is an example of the worst kind of firefighting. One where your officers think they can once again insult the intelligence of the public with management b/s in preference to facing up to the truth and admitting somebody dropped the ball.


Whilst it appears the previous Minister would often succumb to this, I expect more of you.


Some points to consider:


A Minister cannot arbitrarily accelerate the works to win votes. Bless IDGW for trying, but perhaps a wiser contractor wouldn’t have been so amenable to this demand?


The client (DOI) are contractually obliged to manage and be responsible for inspection of the works. At the least common sense would suggest this is preferable whilst the contractor is still on site; not during the first rainfall event – note, not even a significant rainfall event.


The client (DOI) commenced the works without a full design (unusual practice), and then requested the contractor ‘mark time’ whilst the client waited for their drainage consultant to arrive at an appropriate design solution (the reason why this is unusual practice).



I’ll provide an example of joined up working: one where the client, contractor and design team appraise all risk and work together to mitigate – for example having people / sand bags available to hand, in the event that drainage solutions fail is a reasonable fallback solution to the mitigation that all drainage / gully pots etc will have witness tests before handing over the works to the client (BS blah blah… requires this anyway).


To reiterate, the public, least of all, the public with contractual and engineering experience are not dumb, please do not treat them as such.

Edited by english zloty
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