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Promenade - Megathread


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8 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

It's the finances in particular, post-Covid that are now biting. Maybe, just maybe, the trough of gold for hare-brained pan-Govt schemes will now have a lid put on it (Yes Mr Longworth & Co, I'm looking at you)

It won't excuse what's gone before but when was that ever a consideration? But it may at last bring some accountability for the future.

    Will ? I'm not sure ! Why change a habit of a lifetime !

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8 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

It's the finances in particular, post-Covid that are now biting. Maybe, just maybe, the trough of gold for hare-brained pan-Govt schemes will now have a lid put on it (Yes Mr Longworth & Co, I'm looking at you)

It won't excuse what's gone before but when was that ever a consideration? But it may at last bring some accountability for the future.

I doubt many are able to modify their behaviour after 30 years of pissing money against the wall. Treasury is going to have to be brutal if it wants to make savings to adjust to the huge drop in tax revenue it’s going to see. This move is simply to get what they always wanted. If you look at the strip of red concrete outside the Tower House there’s no provision for rails in it unlike the bits completed elsewhere. That was laid months ago. They never had any intention of laying the rails on that stretch. They‘be now just found a more convenient excuse than just lying about it like they usually do. 

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9 minutes ago, Derek Flint said:

Soft landscaping?

So basically a flower bed down the middle of the road?


The planned single tram track wasn’t in the middle, was it? So why would they put a flower bed in the middle?

Basically means they aren’t going to build a bloody big statue of @Derek Flint ( or some other comedian ) across where the lines may eventually get laid.

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2 hours ago, Dave Hedgehog said:

Good news, the loch prom section will return. They are going to complete the work once they have completed the work


In other words, get it finished to some degree in time for voting. Once they have their lardy arses back on the gravy train, rinse and repeat on the prom works. FFS...

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4 minutes ago, Neil Down said:

In other words, get it finished to some degree in time for voting. Once they have their lardy arses back on the gravy train, rinse and repeat on the prom works. FFS...

Told you Neil that this was happening . Incredible really . Will when they finish this current adjusted work wonder will we get a unredacted honest costs of what it cost tax payers ..Interesting times ahead 

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4 hours ago, Southfork said:

If you look at the strip of red concrete outside the Tower House there’s no provision for rails in it unlike the bits completed elsewhere. That was laid months ago. They never had any intention of laying the rails on that stretch. They‘be now just found a more convenient excuse than just lying about it like they usually do. 

That red strip, on Loch Promenade is nothing to do with the tramlines. It just signifies the future centre of the roadway. I know its a bit odd that they've used the same colour as they used for the tramlines at the opposite end, but that's how it is. On Loch Prom, the tramlines are/were, going to be on the seaward side, tight to the outside wall of the gardens. So, what we'll end up with, is a much narrower road, reduced parking, and a long, pointless strip of grass, from the Sefton, to the Sea Terminal.

I'm not a great fan of the trams, but this all about getting incompetent civil servants off the hook by creating a fog around the plans, specification and the finances, so they don't go over budget, and having to explain themselves.  

This has Black and Longworth's paw prints, all over it.


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