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Promenade - Megathread


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7 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

It'll be a lot more than £21M. Hadn't they already used up a huge chunk of the project contingency budget some months ago already? And how far have they got into the job? They're up for £30-£35M here, I'd say. Maybe more. And that's with the downscaled, half-arsed job they're now proposing.

It is literally disgusting and a massive insult to all those now out of work. Many of the things happening coming out of this crisis leave you extremely worried for the future of the IOM as we are simply not set up to deal with hard times. We have a government which has a useless Rolls Royce solution to everything which has simply not been used to making do for that long that it’s going to be impossible for it to adapt. Meanwhile we’re all going have to adapt with no support. 

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1 hour ago, Neil Down said:

Has anybody seen the bus/cycle lane on Glencrutchery Road. Sweet Christ on a cracker...

Yes went up to see it tonight . Mind blowing tbh. Good luck with turning left on filter lane . A guy in a merc just ignored it and went straight down the bus lane. Lots of thats going to happen for sure . 

Edited by Numbnuts
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5 minutes ago, Neil Down said:

Has anybody seen the bus/cycle lane on Glencrutchery Road. Sweet Christ on a cracker...

Yes, drove past it today. Another token gesture for the lycra lobby, but to be fair it does not impact car drivers too much, it was a wide two way road now made into a normal width two way road with a painted cycle lane. If they are going to do this whole cycle thing however, a joined up plan re. cycle lane network would help, not the odd 100 metres here and there.

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1 hour ago, Out of the blue said:

Yes, drove past it today. Another token gesture for the lycra lobby, but to be fair it does not impact car drivers too much, it was a wide two way road now made into a normal width two way road with a painted cycle lane. If they are going to do this whole cycle thing however, a joined up plan re. cycle lane network would help, not the odd 100 metres here and there.

Looking at it I’d say it’s been thought with buses in mind as the majority of them turn left towards town and a cycle lane was simply a token gesture. Buses have always struggled getting passed other HGVs waiting to go down Bray Hill/Turning right, quite often scrubbing the kerb and still very nearly clashing mirrors, I doubt buses alone would have been a good enough reason to go meddling.

Ironically because they’ve now narrowed one lane to widen the other it’s just moved the problem, now HGVs turning left from Ballanard Rd heading towards the grandstand have a nice little challenge instead, hopefully they’ve trimmed the trees and hedges along the cemetery wall to at least remove part of the problem.

People will adapt and overcome as with everything in life.

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8 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

It'll be a lot more than £21M. Hadn't they already used up a huge chunk of the project contingency budget some months ago already? And how far have they got into the job? They're up for £30-£35M here, I'd say. Maybe more. And that's with the downscaled, half-arsed job they're now proposing.

Let's not also forget that there's been no all-consuming "voids" to fill in either, that were part of the reason for the job in the first instance. Theoretically they should be well within budget.

I see that they've also found the money to scrape off and resurface both carriageways from Sulby Kella into Sulby Bridge now too. Couldn't see what was wrong with it before to be honest. Perhaps they need to go out and have a look at the full length of the St Jude's "straight" if they feel the need to find some degraded road to upgrade.

Where is the data you mention for the cost so far on the prom?

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7 hours ago, The Dog's Dangly Bits said:

Where is the data you mention for the cost so far on the prom?

It was announced about 3 months ago, iomtoday article IIRC. The Contingency Budget had already been @ 2/3rds spent. The original costing for the Promenade was a well-documented £25M. Once again, if you're querying it, feel free to link to stats that disprove it and I'll stand corrected.

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  • 3 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Uhtred said:

Captions invited.


Ok, if you carry along that way, Port Jack chippy's on the left at the top of the hill."

"That's the last of the flying fucks taking off now."

"Oh, If you'd like to wash your hands of it the toilet block is over there by the Castle Mona." 

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