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Promenade - Megathread


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1 hour ago, pongo said:

Instead of moaning, why doesn't everyone just set off for work earlier and stay a bit later in the evenings?

That's the best way of avoiding traffic and you can get more done.

There is some truth in that.  Also, the travel time isn't massively changed.  Most of the moaning is being done by tossers taking more or less the same time they've always taken to get to work.  Travelling in from Onchan has always been a procession , especially at certain times.  

Also, why not use the other four ways of getting into work from Onchan.

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2 hours ago, Derek Flint said:

 Why can’t they just finish one bit before they start another?

Its like a kindergarten wet playtime. 

I've explained this before Derek. From a friend working for a firm who is responsible for lots of services  , not Auldyn etc , while they had a concept plan from day one ie what the finished job would look like they didnt have detail plans for contractors to be able to work too. So because of this it was literally a day to day operation to keep the contractors occupied till infrastructure plans were issued. Hence what we saw early in with the jumping of work areas and from a initial plan of work being abandoned and no structure to works. Also hence why there was very few men on the job. Been a mess from day one . Clearly it shoukd have moved progressivly along the prom from one direction and one side at a time. Now we are left with a clusterfuck and total carnage . DOI ! ! Most in the know knew this woukd be a disaster .  

Edited by Numbnuts
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I hope this is the case. The opportunity to spend a weekend roaming through the old rail routes, camping overnight, picnic areas, etc., might be popular. Certainly it would with me and I've become a proper lazy twat in my old age. 

Edited by quilp
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In a lot of places the route was assimilated back into its bordering agricultural areas (by fair means or foul), if the Govt is going to reopen these routes it would have to recover these sections from those who have claimed them.

Edited by Non-Believer
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32 minutes ago, ellanvannin2010 said:

No it is not pointless at all. It will be a new venture and experience for many and an absolute winner for even more. A great idea and money well spent. You are missing the great resurgence in biking . Even  from the point of view of road users, it has to be a plus if cyclists use the railway tracks  instead of the roads. I am totally behind these schemes both for their pleasure and for us car drivers to have less cycles to be wary about.

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Pity about the loss of sections of the track from Ballaugh to Ramsey - with the back entrance to the wild life park it would allow easy access for cyclists at least during road closures assuming TT is allowed to restart.

It would be good to get the drainage problems fixed - the rebuilding of the lost bridges would certainly open the trail up.

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28 minutes ago, quilp said:

It might make sense if the intention is to create a long, well-maintained cycling/walking route. 

You can walk it perfectly well already though so no need to put bridges in, there are paths down and up at either side of the gaps.

There are also several small bridges over farm access lanes that are missing and impractical to reinstate due to limited clearances and a section that is very prone to slipping into the sea and has been doing since it was built in 1879, I think it is now 6ft lower since the last work was done on it in the late 60's

North of Sulby Glen station all the way to Ramsey the line is in private hands with no public right of way.



29 minutes ago, quilp said:



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4 minutes ago, dilligaf said:

No it is not pointless at all. It will be a new venture and experience for many and an absolute winner for even more. A great idea and money well spent. You are missing the great resurgence in biking . Even  from the point of view of road users, it has to be a plus if cyclists use the railway tracks  instead of the roads. I am totally behind these schemes both for their pleasure and for us car drivers to have less cycles to be wary about.

I like the new positive polite Dilligaf, how long will it last?:lol:

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