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Promenade - Megathread


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16 minutes ago, slinkydevil said:

'New Manx Normal'   -   Howard Quayle, 2020

It won’t be long now before the DOI will have made a bigger impact on our fractured economy than Covid. Just when everyone thought it was safe to go back earning there’s the DOI shutting down almost the whole of our central business district for commuters and making to easier for people to still stay at home and not spend money in town. They really should just put the whole senior management team in a big boat in Douglas Bay and then scupper the bastard. 

Edited by Mr Newbie
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Walked down there this afternoon. I noticed that the groins in the beach have all been grubbed up. Anyone know what this is all about? They were in a very poor state but nevertheless not doing any harm by being left to rot. This must have cost a good few thousand of pounds so someone somewhere must have thought this was a good idea.


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3 minutes ago, NoTail said:

Walked down there this afternoon. I noticed that the groins in the beach have all been grubbed up. Anyone know what this is all about? They were in a very poor state but nevertheless not doing any harm by being left to rot. This must have cost a good few thousand of pounds so someone somewhere must have thought this was a good idea.


http://www.iomtoday.co.im/article.cfm?id=56670&headline=Removal of groynes given green light&sectionIs=NEWS&searchyear=2020

Good job they're not short of money eh?

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By the time the millions of tourists can come over and enjoy the new and improved promenade, most businesses will probably have shut down because of all the incompetence surrounding the whole shebang. As for now, imagine Guernsey residents excitedly booking their flights to the Isle of Man, only to find out that they have ended up in Beirut instead!

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I had a walk along Douglas promenade on Monday morning, I counted at least 30 varied machines along the route, of the 30 machines 4 were actually doing anything the rest still had rust on the tracks/drums, the teams mostly a couple of men at several sections along the route were busy on the mobile or talking through the fence panels currently installed, I hope that the "tourist's" either here or en-route from Guernsey are not billeted in the hotels on the Douglas promenade as they will never come back and to be fair if I was allocated a hotel along the prom I would demand my money back and tell my friends never go to the IOM as they still have the fences up from the WW2 for the POW's. The CM needs to get his arse into gear and get that f^^king shambles sorted mighty quick as IMO if that the best we can offer tourist's or locals wanting a stroll we are well and truly f^^ked, I would go up to the Sea Terminal and drag Black and Robinson on site and get them to explain what the f^^k is going on. I was in Blackpool while the were doing the prom and I assure you the site was handled professionally and done with sympathy to support the Hotels/ Boarding house's and Business's along its route if it had not be done like this they would have strung the councillors by the bollox if they had left a mess like we currently have, nothing is finished or even close to being finished, its a long winter here and if that work is to be completed by 1 April I will eat my hat.

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21 minutes ago, Beelzebub3 said:

I had a walk along Douglas promenade on Monday morning, I counted at least 30 varied machines along the route, of the 30 machines 4 were actually doing anything the rest still had rust on the tracks/drums, the teams mostly a couple of men at several sections along the route were busy on the mobile or talking through the fence panels currently installed, I hope that the "tourist's" either here or en-route from Guernsey are not billeted in the hotels on the Douglas promenade as they will never come back and to be fair if I was allocated a hotel along the prom I would demand my money back and tell my friends never go to the IOM as they still have the fences up from the WW2 for the POW's. The CM needs to get his arse into gear and get that f^^king shambles sorted mighty quick as IMO if that the best we can offer tourist's or locals wanting a stroll we are well and truly f^^ked, I would go up to the Sea Terminal and drag Black and Robinson on site and get them to explain what the f^^k is going on. I was in Blackpool while the were doing the prom and I assure you the site was handled professionally and done with sympathy to support the Hotels/ Boarding house's and Business's along its route if it had not be done like this they would have strung the councillors by the bollox if they had left a mess like we currently have, nothing is finished or even close to being finished, its a long winter here and if that work is to be completed by 1 April I will eat my hat.

It won't be finished by 31/3/2021. The road might be open but there'll still be loads of street furniture, property/hotel curtilage areas, pavements and other installations to be finished.

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I drove along the prom (pavement) today about 2pm, from Victoria St down to Greensills, first time I've been down there for a while tbh. In that stretch I lost count of the number of hi viz clad workmen sitting dangling their legs on the edge of trenches playing with mobile phones or messing with tape measures. There just doesn't seem to be any motivation or sense of urgency on the job at all. Nothing. No work of any substance being achieved.

Given the political heat you'd think somebody would be cracking the whip?

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13 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

I drove along the prom (pavement) today about 2pm, from Victoria St down to Greensills, first time I've been down there for a while tbh. In that stretch I lost count of the number of hi viz clad workmen sitting dangling their legs on the edge of trenches playing with mobile phones or messing with tape measures. There just doesn't seem to be any motivation or sense of urgency on the job at all. Nothing. No work of any substance being achieved.

Given the political heat you'd think somebody would be cracking the whip?

Mobile's should be banned from the workplace, it's a pet hate of mine with all the young (and not so young) ones zombiefied by them bringing the pace of work to a standstill!

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