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Promenade - Megathread


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Jeez, just leave them tarmac, we don't need granite or sculptures or all the other fancy bit's. Just give us a clean, smooth prom with loads of parking and let us get on with life and the shops and hotels allowed to do do what they are there for.

Oh for a benign dictatorship!

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26 minutes ago, doc.fixit said:

Jeez, just leave them tarmac, we don't need granite or sculptures or all the other fancy bit's. Just give us a clean, smooth prom with loads of parking and let us get on with life and the shops and hotels allowed to do do what they are there for.

Oh for a benign dictatorship!

The trouble is that history informs us that if there's anything every sort of dictatorship likes, it's granite, sculptures and lots of twiddly bits.

In fact what we see here is a sort of dictatorship.  The DoI hierarchy have got themselves into a situation where they seem immune from any sort of democratic control and can do whatever they want with absolutely no consequences for themselves.

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40 minutes ago, Numbnuts said:

Word has it that due to a cock up on order for the famous Chinese granite nowhere near enough has arrived for paving . Missed a zero out of measurements apparently. ! Cant believe the DOI would make a mistake like that can you !??? And roundabouts at Broadway and Rendevous area will both have to be revisted again a year September to finish properly. Temp done with tarmac in the mean time .  Anyone confirm or know any different ? Mine is a good source but yiu never know 

I'm fookin amazed that China has got enough granite to satisfy the DOI wish list.

The DOI will have already had their entire country transported here and installed if the Chinese ever decide to invade. They'll feel quite at home if they ever come.

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35 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

I'm fookin amazed that China has got enough granite to satisfy the DOI wish list.

The DOI will have already had their entire country transported here and installed if the Chinese ever decide to invade. They'll feel quite at home if they ever come.

Is it real granite or resin based ?? My guess is its composite . But dont know 100 % if thats correct . 

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2 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

The trouble is that history informs us that if there's anything every sort of dictatorship likes, it's granite, sculptures and lots of twiddly bits.

In fact what we see here is a sort of dictatorship.  The DoI hierarchy have got themselves into a situation where they seem immune from any sort of democratic control and can do whatever they want with absolutely no consequences for themselves.

I do agree but the, ''benign', prefix was the important part! Of course it's just as impossible as our governing system reducing in size and becoming both practically and financially efficient.

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Yes' I also read prom was closed but would anybody know the difference as I now avoid it like the plaque and as I have learnt not to use it as a route around the rest of Douglas I will probabley continue after the ego based fuck up returns to a through fare. All they had to do was relay the bloody tarmac

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18 minutes ago, doc.fixit said:

What's going on at the Prom? Fire engines and police at 10 this morning but no more news.

A burning torch march on DOI offices by disgruntled Douglas business community?

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15 hours ago, Numbnuts said:

Here we go ! Or maybe its a disgruntled TT visitor who didnt get their money back from these low lifes .

I don't know the full situation with the Ellan Vannin and the TT visitors, but if you don't have the money to give back how do you give it back? It's a shit situation, but we're all in a shit situation. 

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3 hours ago, gettafa said:

I don't know the full situation with the Ellan Vannin and the TT visitors, but if you don't have the money to give back how do you give it back? It's a shit situation, but we're all in a shit situation. 

They wouldnt transfer boookings either to next year , sorry thats just wrong 

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3 hours ago, gettafa said:

I don't know the full situation with the Ellan Vannin and the TT visitors, but if you don't have the money to give back how do you give it back? It's a shit situation, but we're all in a shit situation. 

I would have thought they would have to have given the money back by now.  The original excuse was that there was no legal obligation, because they were still prepared to provide the service (ie the accommodation) even though TT had been cancelled.  But then lockdown came and the visitors would not have been able to get here anyway, so they couldn't provide the service.  The Hotel also got quite a lot of government money as well for putting people up.  I suspect the cancelled guests have been quietly paid back.

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