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Promenade - Megathread


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1 hour ago, ellanvannin2010 said:

No sign of any urgency (barely any work at all) over the last four days seeing on the 8th September Broadway and Summerhill are supposed to be open and two way traffic resumed on Central Prom.

To add to the probable congestion King Edward Road is shutting on the 9th just as the schools go back

Going to be a embarrassing press release in the next few days !! Cant see how Broadway will be open or Summerhill . Also how is the two way going to work as again doesnt look as if they have a hope in hell of the road is close to taking two lanes .   

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3 minutes ago, Numbnuts said:

Going to be a embarrassing press release in the next few days !! Cant see how Broadway will be open or Summerhill . Also how is the two way going to work as again doesnt look as if they have a hope in hell of the road is close to taking two lanes .   

Douglas has had it. Destroyed by the DOI. Was up in Castletown Saturday and it was as it should be for a bank holiday weekend. Live bands on, table football tables outside in the Square, children’s play area rammed with mums and dads buying coffees and food while watch to their kids. All pubs busy and cafes crammed. Go to Douglas today and a load of shops hadn't even bothered opening. Nothing on. Nowhere to park even if there was. It’s so sad. Council sat on its big fat lazy ass watching the town fall apart while the rest of the island is trying to keep their towns afloat and give traders a chance to survive. 

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3 minutes ago, thesultanofsheight said:

Douglas has had it. Destroyed by the DOI. Was up in Castletown Saturday and it was as it should be for a bank holiday weekend. Live bands on, table football tables outside in the Square, children’s play area rammed with mums and dads buying coffees and food while watch to their kids. All pubs busy and cafes crammed. Go to Douglas today and a load of shops hadn't even bothered opening. Nothing on. Nowhere to park even if there was. It’s so sad. Council sat on its big fat lazy ass watching the town fall apart while the rest of the island is trying to keep their towns afloat and give traders a chance to survive. 

Douglas’s loss is the outlying towns gain. I have been to many of the events around the island, but never once felt the need to set foot in Douglas. As you rightly say the promenade works are destroying the capital this year, but hopefully it may have opened people’s eyes to what is available elsewhere.

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10 minutes ago, thesultanofsheight said:

Douglas has had it. Destroyed by the DOI. Was up in Castletown Saturday and it was as it should be for a bank holiday weekend. Live bands on, table football tables outside in the Square, children’s play area rammed with mums and dads buying coffees and food while watch to their kids. All pubs busy and cafes crammed. Go to Douglas today and a load of shops hadn't even bothered opening. Nothing on. Nowhere to park even if there was. It’s so sad. Council sat on its big fat lazy ass watching the town fall apart while the rest of the island is trying to keep their towns afloat and give traders a chance to survive. 

Ramsey equally as welcoming...

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1 hour ago, Numbnuts said:

Going to be a embarrassing press release in the next few days !! Cant see how Broadway will be open or Summerhill . Also how is the two way going to work as again doesnt look as if they have a hope in hell of the road is close to taking two lanes .   

Don’t think the prom is intended to be two way yet, is it ?

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3 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

2 winters-worth as well. And all the while the've got Douglas Prom ongoing together with all their other projects. I bet the Peel quayside businesses that have been doing so well of late are dreading the thought of this.

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28 minutes ago, dilligaf said:

Don’t think the prom is intended to be two way yet, is it ?

Yes think so when Broadway and Summerhill opens on 8th !!!!! That was the intial press release and plan . DOI clearly didn't read the script .  Also Finch Road was to revert back but thats already been ditched to a few weeks time I believe .

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Did DOI have a script? Indeed, have they ever had one? Too much seems to be done off the cuff.

Months ago some subsidence and potholes in Johnny Watterson's lane in the "new" section up past The Cat were marked out with paint for repair. It's been waiting so long now that the paint has worn off.

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6 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

Did DOI have a script? Indeed, have they ever had one? Too much seems to be done off the cuff.

Months ago some subsidence and potholes in Johnny Watterson's lane in the "new" section up past The Cat were marked out with paint for repair. It's been waiting so long now that the paint has worn off.

Let's be thankful that they haven't started that yet. Getting into Douglas from the North is difficult enough with their new layouts, bus lanes and one-way prom - it's only bearable now because the schools are closed. Don't give them the idea that anyone wants any other main arterial routes into Douglas dug up. 

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