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Promenade - Megathread


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2 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

I wonder how many years of remedial work will be required on the "completion" of this project? The going back and finishing of stuff that was missed (or omitted in the name of political expediency) or to replace/repair stuff that has failed early. As to the cost...

Shall we run a sweepstake as to will be the first to dig it back up?

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20 minutes ago, Numbnuts said:

476 cracks between Great western and Tshirt shop on Queens prom alone ! And yes I counted them. Only because Baker pissed me off saying there was only a few minor ones . Must think we are all stupid .

In which case Mr Baker is merely regurgitating the spiel he's been fed, rather than overseeing things properly if it's that bad. Just like the rest of them.

No wonder our CS hold our elected in such low esteem, they're allowed to peddle denial even in the face of facts and usually get away with it without question.

Take some pictures and email them to him, see if he responds?

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2 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

In which case Mr Baker is merely regurgitating the spiel he's been fed, rather than overseeing things properly if it's that bad. Just like the rest of them.

No wonder our CS hold our elected in such low esteem, they're allowed to peddle denial even in the face of facts and usually get away with it without question.

Take some pictures and email them to him, see if he responds?

I took the pictures and posted them all over facebook. He will have seen them , but as you say his masters in CS  wouldnt bat a eyelid . Morons !!! 

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It's gone from blind leading the blind to morons leading the stupid. Let's hope this debacle leads to a lot of the current MHK's losing their jobs in the next election. In a private company, people would have been sacked for far less than these clowns are getting away with.

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5 minutes ago, Neil Down said:

It's gone from blind leading the blind to morons leading the stupid. Let's hope this debacle leads to a lot of the current MHK's losing their jobs in the next election. In a private company, people would have been sacked for far less than these clowns are getting away with.

Rob Callister is using his media training to tell us how wonderful the delay to the works is and how great it is that they have opened the prom up to two way travel. Even if it means a large section of single carriageway on traffic light control and that pedestrians are no longer allowed to use the walkway from the bottom of Broadway to the start of the sunken gardens. Interestingly enough this is the section that without fail has waves crashing over it at every high tide. 

All of this to save face over Broadway delays and the scrapping of a needless bus lane. What what they could have done is simply switch the direction of the prom at peak times. 

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19 minutes ago, Neil Down said:

Let's hope this debacle leads to a lot of the current MHK's losing their jobs in the next election. In a private company, people would have been sacked for far less than these clowns are getting away with.

It's not this simple though? Unfortunately, the governance of the IoM has got to the stage where unelected civil servants no longer answer to the elected MHKs.

Rather, the job of the MHKs has become to deflect, deny, defend and apologise in respect of those CS and their Depts and entourages at every turn and event. Even when it is glaringly obvious to the public eye that things are going massively awry and millions of pounds are being wasted or misspent. It afflicts every Dept and too many LAs.

Quite how this situation has arisen is anybody's guess but probably through elected weakness and lack of knowledge over the years. The servants have become the untouchable masters with the elected oversight their obedient poodles.

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18 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

Quite how this situation has arisen is anybody's guess but probably through elected weakness and lack of knowledge over the years. The servants have become the untouchable masters with the elected oversight their obedient poodles.

It's all too do with favours. They do the Minister a favour for constituents or them eg Gawne's folly, the Sloch, Peel to Douglas cycle route, bus tickets for Onchan residents etc. They then can get away with whatever they want. God alone what other Departments give away - guaranteed tat sales for Skelly's company; lifetime NSC pass for Allinson; let Cregeen play with sirens in the police car; and of course free access to the bloodbank for Count Ashula?

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44 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

It's not this simple though? Unfortunately, the governance of the IoM has got to the stage where unelected civil servants no longer answer to the elected MHKs.

Rather, the job of the MHKs has become to deflect, deny, defend and apologise in respect of those CS and their Depts and entourages at every turn and event. Even when it is glaringly obvious to the public eye that things are going massively awry and millions of pounds are being wasted or misspent. It afflicts every Dept and too many LAs.

Quite how this situation has arisen is anybody's guess but probably through elected weakness and lack of knowledge over the years. The servants have become the untouchable masters with the elected oversight their obedient poodles.

It has arisen because of the calibre of MHK's voted in. Granny farming and the like is never going to get the right kind of person in. Too many of our MHK's see the £ sign and wants to be part of it. No doubt this will be allowed to go on for longer than I'll be around. The whole system needs a boots and braces overhaul. Maybe when one or two start losing their seats, something just may be done.

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15 minutes ago, Neil Down said:

It has arisen because of the calibre of MHK's voted in

I voted for Allinson on the basis that as a GP not only would he have a reasonable IQ, but that he would have a great deal of common sense and some social responsibility.

His attitude with regard to the Ramsey Marina proposal showed that he has zero common sense, and his proposal to legalise euthanasia isn't something I am too keen on, given my age.

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2 hours ago, Two-lane said:

I voted for Allinson on the basis that as a GP not only would he have a reasonable IQ, but that he would have a great deal of common sense and some social responsibility.

His attitude with regard to the Ramsey Marina proposal showed that he has zero common sense, and his proposal to legalise euthanasia isn't something I am too keen on, given my age.

Many doctors are at a similar point on the autistic spectrum to maths teachers, unfortunately.

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