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Promenade - Megathread


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6 hours ago, ptarmigan said:

[...] I repeat, how has Nick still got that job? 

I know I've said this for years on here (since he was appointed in fact) but Black was not appointed to head the DoI and then turned out to be useless and unable to control things.  He got the job because of those very qualities.  So there's absolutely no reason to get rid of him, he's performing as required.

It's the old saying - the purpose of a system is what it does.  If Black has been in charge of the DoI for seven years, it's because it suits the purposes of the DoI and the wider Manx Civil Service (or at least doesn't interfere with the later too much[1]).  If the DoI has consistently misspent vast amount of money to produce not very much, then that is what it is there for.


[1]  The only time when CEOs have been removed in the past have been when their actions meant that things would have been made more difficult for other Departments, as with Chris Corlett at the DED.

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5 hours ago, dilligaf said:

I was being pedantic in my reply to ptarmigan, because of his double negative. But it still is a big job in my view, not being a prom builder like so many on here.

Maybe the Manx Forums’ team of experts should be down there taking control of the whole job. It would be completed in a month.:whistling:

The kids from St Mary's could have planned it better

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13 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

The only time when CEOs have been removed in the past have been when their actions meant that things would have been made more difficult for other Departments, as with Chris Corlett at the DED

Just as an aside, is this what happened to Charters and Crouch and the others in DHSC? I think there has been around 6 or 7 since Killip hasn't there?

Edited by Apple
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18 hours ago, thesultanofsheight said:

 It’s getting to the point that it’s going to take longer doing this than it took the Victorians to build it with horse drawn carts and shovels in the first place. 

It took the Victorians 6 months to build the road between Derby Castle. and Groudle, complete with adjacent tram tracks.

It took a similar length of time to build the Snaefell Mountain Railway.

With the Prom, you've got a head start, because it's already a level bit of road!

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44 minutes ago, Apple said:

Just as an aside, is this what happened to Charters and Crouch and the others in DHSC? I think there has been around 6 or 7 since Killip hasn't there?

As far as I recall Chris Corlett was not removed but decided he had enough and resigned. By and large, CEOs are only accountable to the Chief Secretary and he is not held to account by anybody. It’s a cosy Club where incompetence is only met by a continued high salary. The sort of environment where the likes of Mr Black thrive, apparently. 

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1 hour ago, joebean said:

CEOs are only accountable to the Chief Secretary

But who appoints the CEOs? For example, when Malcolm Couch was appointed Chief Exec. of Health he had 26 years experience in finance and tax. He had never set a budget for a health service, nor negotiated a contract with a consultant, nor .... anything relevant (apart from filling in their annual tax return). So why did he get the job.

A couple of years ago at the endoscopy public meeting in Ramsey, after the meeting was over I attempted to engage Couch in polite conversation. For a few minutes he just stared at me with a blank face, until eventually, without saying a single word, he turned his back on me and walked away.

In have never come across such a pig-ignorant person. I was astounded that someone like that could have been given such a job - because he did not get like that overnight, and I doubt that behaviour was reserved for just me.

So where does the problem lie. Couch's appointment was just a symptom of the problem. The promenade chaos is also just a symptom of the problem.

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