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Promenade - Megathread


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9 hours ago, dilligaf said:

He never had any say in what happened in “ slough”. Thought you were Manx ! 
PG was never, is not and never will be what you think is a “useless cunt”. 
You just show your low IQ posting that childish rubbish. 

Christ almighty dilli, this is worse than your Kelly was a love able rogue post. Gawne is/was/and still is a grade A twat

Edited by Neil Down
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2 hours ago, dilligaf said:

He never had any say in what happened in “ slough”. Thought you were Manx ! 
PG was never, is not and never will be what you think is a “useless cunt”. 
You just show your low IQ posting that childish rubbish. 

Gawne was the Minister responsible.  If he didn't have any say in the bigger projects under his control, then he's useless.  You can't have it both ways.

I always thought the the Sloc was a trap set up for Gawne into which he fell.  Civil servants like to do 'nice things' for their Ministers, but it shouldn't be that obvious and it should for the constituency rather than the MHK personally.  As Gawne was one of the few people who lives in the area that benefited, it was never going to go down well.

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Like many of the rest, both still in Govt and departed, he still has a hand on the handle of the taxpayer-filled gravy jug.

It's a hard thing to let go of; indeed why would you do so when it is so bountiful?

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20 hours ago, Two-lane said:

But who appoints the CEOs? For example, when Malcolm Couch was appointed Chief Exec. of Health he had 26 years experience in finance and tax. He had never set a budget for a health service, nor negotiated a contract with a consultant, nor .... anything relevant (apart from filling in their annual tax return). So why did he get the job.

A couple of years ago at the endoscopy public meeting in Ramsey, after the meeting was over I attempted to engage Couch in polite conversation. For a few minutes he just stared at me with a blank face, until eventually, without saying a single word, he turned his back on me and walked away.

In have never come across such a pig-ignorant person. I was astounded that someone like that could have been given such a job - because he did not get like that overnight, and I doubt that behaviour was reserved for just me.

So where does the problem lie. Couch's appointment was just a symptom of the problem. The promenade chaos is also just a symptom of the problem.

Did he strike you as a leader? Someone who could motivate, inspire, coach and develop people. Was he restless until he had achieved the best for his people, and then remained restless until, they had achieved the best for themselves?

Perhaps, across the board, this is where we are failing?

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1 hour ago, Derek Flint said:

Did he strike you as a leader? Someone who could motivate, inspire, coach and develop people. Was he restless until he had achieved the best for his people, and then remained restless until, they had achieved the best for themselves?

Spot on I'm afraid. I have known some inspiring people, worked with them in fact but to be honest there skills are held in check now by bureaucrats and empire builders. Too many now looking over their shoulder at what everyone else is doing.

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9 hours ago, dilligaf said:

Phil is a very clever man. He is a genuine Manxie and is fluent in our language. He has more qualifications than you could ever aspire to. He is very accomplished as a musician and singer and has done more for the Isle of Man than you could do in a thousand years, even if you did ever grow up.  You really are becoming sadder as time goes by. 

I'm afraid it all went pear shaped for him when he made the 'need to use the budget leftover up so we resurfaced the sloc' It was a naïve statement in the extreme and  sadly the end of him. I don't know - Not the words of a clever man? Or just a little slip up?

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57 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

I'm afraid it all went pear shaped for him when he made the 'need to use the budget leftover up so we resurfaced the sloc' It was a naïve statement in the extreme and  sadly the end of him. I don't know - Not the words of a clever man? Or just a little slip up?

What he stated about the budget was partially correct as the end of the year was fast approaching although the real reason behind getting the Sloc overlayed was more to do with the then DFE as the were trying to promote hillclimbing etc also the sloc was real easy to complete as the lazy buggers at DOI knew there was little preparations to carry out ie no drainage to deal with, no services and most of all no properties along the route which allowed easy access to the crew doing the job, sounds like a typical JR job as he wanted to put tarmac down at every opportunity and the quicker the better. 

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No. This is fake news.

Good try though, by whoever came up with it. Plausible but nonetheless laughable.

Even the the firestarter general himself stated it was to use up the budget. "We had to spend it on something otherwise we [the department] would have lost the money"

When he first said it, there would have been the sound of face palms throughout the corridors of power from the manxie mandarins.


Edited by Barlow
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