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11 hours ago, dilligaf said:

Phil is a very clever man. He is a genuine Manxie and is fluent in our language. He has more qualifications than you could ever aspire to. He is very accomplished as a musician and singer and has done more for the Isle of Man than you could do in a thousand years, even if you did ever grow up.  You really are becoming sadder as time goes by. 

I love these type of character references.

Phil is not clever (clever is often used as a pejorative word anyway). He may have a university (uni) degree but don't we all these days.

Being 'a genuine Manxie' is a ridiculous thing to say. Who are the non-genuine Manxies? Is there like a scale we can all align ourselves onto, with the "genuine Manxies" up at the top.

Being an accomplished, nay, a "very accomplished" musician and singer is subjective and neither here nor there anyway. Squeaky violins are not my thing btw, and I can drawl out Betsy Lee with the best of them.

And one man's terrorist is another man's hero. I say terrorist. Even if it was -  in protest at comeovers - just setting light to a half built house which was intended for a Manx couple anyway. (and all the daubing of course, but we don't know if Philly was involved with that, do we)

Edited by Barlow
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2 minutes ago, Barlow said:

I love these type of character references.

Phil is not clever (clever is often used as a pejorative word anyway). He may have a university (uni) degree but don't we all these days.

Being 'a genuine Manxie' is a ridiculous thing to say. Who are the non-genuine Manxies? Is there like a scale we can all align ourselves onto, with the "genuine Manxies" up at the top.

Being an accomplished, nay, a "very accomplished" musician and singer is subjective and neither here nor there anyway. Squeaky violins are not my thing btw, and I can drawl Betsyu Lee with the best of them.

And one man's terrorist is another man's hero. I say terrorist. Even if it was -  in protest at comeovers - just setting light to a half built house which was intended for a Manx couple anyway. (and all the daubing of course, but we don't know if Philly was involved with that, do we)

So your point is ?

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2 minutes ago, dilligaf said:

So your point is ?

In that by-election and indeed the following elections many people in the south of the Island voted for Phil Gawne for probably the very reasons listed in your character reference. Plus a few more. Everyone knew his 'previous' and he was seen as a bit edgy and would be good for the Island. A sort of Peter Karran from 'over the bridge'.

But he soon got worked on and the ego and grandiose took over. He wasn't a particularly hard nut to crack for the civil service and the established Tynwald members.

And my point is?

Well do you think all those voters who went for Jason Moorhouse hadn't considered Phil when they were huddled in the election booth? I think they had. Maybe you had best ask them.

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3 minutes ago, Barlow said:


Well do you think all those voters who went for Jason Moorhouse hadn't considered Phil when they were huddled in the election booth? I think they had. Maybe you had best ask them.

I voted for Moorehouse, not because I thought he'd be any good, but because he was not Gawne or Cregeen.

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11 hours ago, dilligaf said:

Phil is a very clever man. He is a genuine Manxie and is fluent in our language. He has more qualifications than you could ever aspire to. He is very accomplished as a musician and singer and has done more for the Isle of Man ...

I agree with all this - and he was a better MHK for Rushen than Skelly or Watterson have been (and  Crowe, Gill, the John fella who moved to New Zealand after he lost, Lowey and Cringle for that matter). Should never have taken the poisoned chalice  of the DOI because when he did became too close to the officers and just ended up parroting whatever nonsense they came out with. Not sure why he gets such bile though when during the life of this thread  - Cretney, Skelly, Hamer and Baker have made the same mistake in the role.

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That's a very good point you make. I think PG threw his head way above the parapet and thought himself bullet proof and invisible.

Well, if you can go to the Shows and all those people nodding at you, and smiling and tripping over themselves to buy you a drink in the tent, then it's a safe seat you're in.

Except all the rich and wealthy landowners and landowning farmers only have a single vote. No more than a person struggling on an estate. And anyway, the landowners got what they wanted. Maybe it was time for them to work on another fool.

Phil has a lot more than a stretch of tarmac to answer for. Oh yes.


Edited to add:

See next post

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Let's not forget the huge taxpayer funded favour he put in place for the agricultural community in the name of CCS. Money for effectively owning land, to the tune of £7M+ pa. And all on the grounds of imminent starvation for the Manx population. Totally without foundation or evidence, naturally.

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51 minutes ago, Beelzebub3 said:

What he stated about the budget was partially correct as the end of the year was fast approaching although the real reason behind getting the Sloc overlayed was more to do with the then DFE as the were trying to promote hillclimbing etc also the sloc was real easy to complete as the lazy buggers at DOI knew there was little preparations to carry out ie no drainage to deal with, no services and most of all no properties along the route which allowed easy access to the crew doing the job, sounds like a typical JR job as he wanted to put tarmac down at every opportunity and the quicker the better. 

Thanks Phil...

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8 minutes ago, dilligaf said:

So you wasted your vote then ?

No, had I not voted at all I would have wasted my vote, and I seriously considered it. What I used my vote for was a tiny tiny protest against the status quo.

I will do it again next time too. Moorehouse and Creggen will not be receiving my vote 

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I dont agree with the beat phil the gawne over the sloc resurfacing.at least we now have 1 road which doesn't need anything doing to it for a few years. Theres far more to beat phil about. The manx radio show for instance, where they over ham the manx accent while speaking to the point it's now like something out of Monty Python.  

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squeaky voice/ There's a bit of groamagh at ya there stinky /

I've eaten more salted herrin' than the two of them put together, and I'm not even Manx.

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3 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

The manx radio show for instance, where they over ham the manx accent while speaking to the point it's now like something out of Monty Python.  

What's that?

I'm Sorry I Haven't the Foggiest Fella

Jus'a Minute Yesser There's Time Enough

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