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16 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

Now "Unlikely to be March 2021 and more likely to be June" sayeth Minister Baker (iomtoday). Just as well there's mooted plans to push the TT back then?

I listened to him on the radio at lunch. He has this awful nervous laugh like he finds all these people calling in telling him that everything the DOI touches is totally crap funny. 

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25 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

Now "Unlikely to be March 2021 and more likely to be June" sayeth Minister Baker (iomtoday). Just as well there's mooted plans to push the TT back then?

Well wasnt the revised plan announced 6 months or more ago to stop at end of March and finish the tram rails from Sefton to Sea Terminal in September . So what now ? Finish in June 'ish then start again in September ?? Surely not ??!!! Its a total Mess ! 

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Having regularly reduced the scope of the project and delayed a large portion of the task until next September it is sad to see that the revised, revised target date will still not be met. I await with considerable interest to see the financial outcome of this shambles.

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I was not convinced bt Mr Baker's performance on the radio 

He said the foundations were rotten and needed to be replaced.  I saw no evidence of that. In fact I even heard a story that workers were complaining that they were too solid and hard to excavate, now replaced with lower standard hardcore.

He also emphasised the problem of services being difficult to replace.  This does not ring true, of course old victorian pipes and drains and things need replacing.  This happens all over the world on all big engineering projects.  Competent contractors do that stuff all the time.

A project like this should be planned with precision before even starting. 

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23 minutes ago, NoTail said:

I was not convinced bt Mr Baker's performance on the radio 

He said the foundations were rotten and needed to be replaced.  I saw no evidence of that. In fact I even heard a story that workers were complaining that they were too solid and hard to excavate, now replaced with lower standard hardcore.

He also emphasised the problem of services being difficult to replace.  This does not ring true, of course old victorian pipes and drains and things need replacing.  This happens all over the world on all big engineering projects.  Competent contractors do that stuff all the time.

A project like this should be planned with precision before even starting. 

I was also told the same by a couple of guys who worked down there for 4 months . All the spoil was put through a crusher and reused and isnt up to standard and yes , original was indeed very substantial. Your last sentence hits the nail on the head as to where the problem has been from the start 

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