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Promenade - Megathread


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20 hours ago, Albert Tatlock said:

No...it's Ronaldsway and uncontrolled spending...it will be a sky base...


...in keeping with the new airport met office they're already planning...


As long as they get the basics right like do the fire engines fit through the doors, don't laugh,  similar has happened before, they can put it on its own floating island and call it Tracey.

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On 11/26/2020 at 8:25 AM, MadAsHell said:

They must have ran out of dashed white lines



Don't Zebra crossings HAVE to have zig zag lines on each side to make cars not stop/ park there and therefore block the view of motorists to any pedestrians trying to cross the Zebra? Also to warn motorists that they are approaching a Zebra?

Its just that every Zebra I have ever seen has zig zags, are we on the island different? We don't need them because we are all so good at driving? The same reason why we don't need speed limits?.......

Anybody out there know if Zebras need zig zags to be safe and or legal?

I drove there today and its not just in the artists impression above, there are no zig zags on Loch Prom.

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12 minutes ago, Boris Johnson said:

Don't Zebra crossings HAVE to have zig zag lines on each side to make cars not stop/ park there and therefore block the view of motorists to any pedestrians trying to cross the Zebra? Also to warn motorists that they are approaching a Zebra?

Its just that every Zebra I have ever seen has zig zags, are we on the island different? We don't need them because we are all so good at driving? The same reason why we don't need speed limits?.......

Anybody out there know if Zebras need zig zags to be safe and or legal?

I drove there today and its not just in the artists impression above, there are no zig zags on Loch Prom.

I think that this is meant to be some shared space affair but I think you may be right? The speed bump thing is meant to slow traffic and allow a few pedestrians to cross I believe, having a Zebra does call that into question?

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40 minutes ago, Boris Johnson said:

Don't Zebra crossings HAVE to have zig zag lines on each side to make cars not stop/ park there and therefore block the view of motorists to any pedestrians trying to cross the Zebra? Also to warn motorists that they are approaching a Zebra?

Its just that every Zebra I have ever seen has zig zags, are we on the island different? We don't need them because we are all so good at driving? The same reason why we don't need speed limits?.......

Anybody out there know if Zebras need zig zags to be safe and or legal?

I drove there today and its not just in the artists impression above, there are no zig zags on Loch Prom.

 It every detail is not shown on the plan. The guy crossing in front of the Fiat 500, is actually smoking, but it does show his fag does  it.? 
Even what is open now is not finished in every detail. I am sure you shouldn’t worry too much, it will be alright on the night.👍

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9 minutes ago, Scotty said:

 It every detail is not shown on the plan. The guy crossing in front of the Fiat 500, is actually smoking, but it does show his fag does  it.? 
Even what is open now is not finished in every detail. I am sure you shouldn’t worry too much, it will be alright on the night.👍

Much like the bus lane? It only took a few weeks of corrections.

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Summerhill is being finished at the moment. Road closed again tonight and maybe another night. Don't do what loads of cars did last night and try to drive down here anyway. It doesn't work. https://frankdrives.com/reminder-summerhill-is-closed-at-night-for-final-roadworks/

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2 hours ago, Amadeus said:

Summerhill is being finished at the moment. Road closed again tonight and maybe another night. Don't do what loads of cars did last night and try to drive down here anyway. It doesn't work. https://frankdrives.com/reminder-summerhill-is-closed-at-night-for-final-roadworks/

There’s a few who think rules don’t apply to them like the builders lorry going the wrong way up cronkbourne avenue this morning presumably to save going through traffic lights 

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I don't like it honestly. For the millions and millions spent on it, I think it looks grotty and shoddy, not particularly pleasant to look at and is a far cry from the crisp looking design promised to us in the design plans. I think Auldyn are a joke. Half the time you drive along the prom you have six builders all stood around having a conference with the one builder that is actually doing any work. And that's not including the majority of the project where you were lucky to see even a single builder. It is now officially the Governments and Auldyns biggest embarrassment and in my personal opinion instead of offering bonuses they should be fining those responsible with an increasing fine for each day they are over due without good reason.

What I would have liked to see is something similar to Exeter city centre. Actual paved bricks used in the road, coloured if needed, instead of the tacky looking red tarmac. For the money spent on this project so far we should have a promenade that we can be proud of. Not an average expensive mess where the end result is a bunch of executives all stood around shaking each others d*** for a "job well done".


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On 11/15/2020 at 11:07 AM, Two-lane said:

I'm sorry, but you are a little misled - your musings are entirely factual.

Not only is the MER extension a significant part of the problem, but the people responsible for it are - at the very height of this monumental screw-up - suggesting that the railway could be extended to Birch Hill and Farmhill.

They seem to be spending an awful lot on the MER, and currenlty working on Groudle Road, but no word of the involved costs on that project.

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10 minutes ago, LightBulb said:

They seem to be spending an awful lot on the MER, and currenlty working on Groudle Road, but no word of the involved costs on that project.

According to an FoI earlier this year:

More than £3.3m has been spent on track renewals on the Manx Electric Railway over the last three years.

Figures released under Freedom of Information show that a further £1.6m is due to be spent this year.

So about £5 million to 'renew' a heritage railway (which of course then stops it being a heritage railway, judging by what came out over the keyworkers and what they did).  From that article this seems to be designed to go on forever at around £1 million a year, though nowhere does it state why this 'renewal', rather than normal maintenance, is needed.

As with practically everything to do with the DoI this seems to be entirely about spending money and giving contracts to the right people.

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