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Promenade - Megathread


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Just an observation because I am but a simple onlooker..:oI was walking along what promises to be the new Promenade (Made In China)and happened by chance to see the operatives laying the rails for the Horse Trams so that they could function this summer season..I was amazed because to coin a phrase they were rusty as fuck.The old ones were being recycled..Nothing wrong with that but what happened to the ones that Phil Gawne bought during his alleged tenure as a "Government Minister"..Hundreds of thousands of pounds yessir and I can remember him buying them because he actually stated (and that is the measure of the man) that they could be used elsewhere on the Heritage Railways despite the fact that they are completely different..:P

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9 minutes ago, SJR said:

Just an observation because I am but a simple onlooker..:oI was walking along what promises to be the new Promenade (Made In China)and happened by chance to see the operatives laying the rails for the Horse Trams so that they could function this summer season..I was amazed because to coin a phrase they were rusty as fuck.The old ones were being recycled..Nothing wrong with that but what happened to the ones that Phil Gawne bought during his alleged tenure as a "Government Minister"..Hundreds of thousands of pounds yessir and I can remember him buying them because he actually stated (and that is the measure of the man) that they could be used elsewhere on the Heritage Railways despite the fact that they are completely different..:P

You're definitely simple. They're rusty because err, steel rusts. You'd be whinging your face off if they'd bought them stainless. And what's with the 'alledged' bit?  He was a government minister, that's a fact. Whether he was any good or not. Also, there's an ongoing MEGATHREAD for this kind of post. 

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33 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

You're definitely simple. They're rusty because err, steel rusts. You'd be whinging your face off if they'd bought them stainless. And what's with the 'alledged' bit?  He was a government minister, that's a fact. Whether he was any good or not. Also, there's an ongoing MEGATHREAD for this kind of post. 


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That is why I seldom go on Manx Forums because the first clown that arrives bests me..I wanted to leave school at 15 as well but my parents insisted I went to University..In the days when only those with decent grades got in..


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44 minutes ago, Ham_N_Eggs said:

Weren't some of them actually used on the steam railway despite as you state not being fit for purpose. I seem to remember something about them being used in either Port Erin or Port St Mary station. 

I think it’s great that the DOI has now guaranteed that we will now have the trams for another 100 years clogging up the place reminding us of how shit and slow things used to be. They should put WiFi in them so that people who want to waste 20 minutes to transverse the prom can at least see something vaguely interesting as they travel past empty redevelopment sites. 

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11 minutes ago, dilligaf said:

Are they not on hold for a year ?

I thought so but if you look at the clip showing the last tram fiasco last year, Longtail mentions a reduced service this year. That fucker must have a map of where all the bodies are. Anybody else with his track record for fuck ups would have been despatched years ago

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