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Promenade - Megathread


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I like the horse trams , when the grandkids and visitors are over it's on their list of things to do , same with the MER and the railway  including Groudle  and the one at the Wildlife Park.

They also used look forward to visits to "The Cosy Nook" cafe at Port Erin but I wouldn't put it past the Commissioners to get it demolished and build another eyesore.

Some call getting rid of the 'heritage stuff' on  the island 'progress' I prefer to think of it as vandalism.

Just saying:flowers:

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10 hours ago, dilligaf said:

Won't there be a massive fuck up then.? The prom is in bits, so how can they even contemplate running the trams. ( and why the fuck would they want to ? )

Because Longtail wants it to happen. He seems hell bent on wasting as much money as possible...

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18 minutes ago, paswt said:

I like the horse trams , when the grandkids and visitors are over it's on their list of things to do , same with the MER and the railway  including Groudle  and the one at the Wildlife Park.

They also used look forward to visits to "The Cosy Nook" cafe at Port Erin but I wouldn't put it past the Commissioners to get it demolished and build another eyesore.

Some call getting rid of the 'heritage stuff' on  the island 'progress' I prefer to think of it as vandalism.

Just saying:flowers:

I too like the horse trams. They should have sorted out the Marine Drive and let the trams go from Douglas Head to Port Soderick. Nice leisurely ride with a good scenic view

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26 minutes ago, Neil Down said:

I too like the horse trams. They should have sorted out the Marine Drive and let the trams go from Douglas Head to Port Soderick. Nice leisurely ride with a good scenic view

If the prom is £20million the engineering needed to shore up the cliffs for marine drive has to run into £100million+ at government estimates.

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18 minutes ago, slinkydevil said:

If the prom is £20million the engineering needed to shore up the cliffs for marine drive has to run into £100million+ at government estimates.

Quite possibly Slinky, but years back, the Army offered to repair the Marine drive in order to give their engineers practice. The government at the time I believe turned down the offer

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It's funny. Looking back there was a time when Govt was hell bent on getting rid of these things. Steam railway lines were ripped up, Ramsey/Peel/Douglas because it was losing money. Same was proposed for the MER.

Now we're hell bent on keeping them, regardless of bottomless expense.

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7 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

It's funny. Looking back there was a time when Govt was hell bent on getting rid of these things. Steam railway lines were ripped up, Ramsey/Peel/Douglas because it was losing money. Same was proposed for the MER.

Now we're hell bent on keeping them, regardless of bottomless expense.

Given that the Groudle Railway , a 'service that goes from nowhere to nowhere (:D), is popular and is not gov run, same as the miniature one at the Wildlife Park  are successful perhaps the way forward may be to encourage and involve volunteer   'heritage enthusiasts'  (there are  clearly many talented engineers on this island ).

Across many former BR railways have been taken over by charitable trusts and  are unquestionably successful  

Whoever was responsible for laying the MER track ,eg  just beyond 'Gelling's" egg farm (going to Ramsey) would do well to see that track can be bent to provide a smooth curve , (see the track at the wildlife park (rather than laid like the old style threepenny bit  by MER  "engineers" .:angry:   

In any enterprise  I've found that success depends on the quality of those employed and the man/woman at the top  creating a mutually beneficial   atmosphere .

 IMO many  talented individuals  working for the railway were let go/encouraged to leave by "management" who were perhaps insecure because they  may have been made to look foolish for some of their daft decisions ..........( er like buying the "cabbage") .

Management cannot demand to be respected  IMO , but sometimes deserve to be laughed at  :) .......... or if employed at the public expense  'sacked' .

Just saying

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5 hours ago, Neil Down said:

I too like the horse trams. They should have sorted out the Marine Drive and let the trams go from Douglas Head to Port Soderick. Nice leisurely ride with a good scenic view

only an idiot would think a horse could pull a tram up the inclines on  marine drive

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2 hours ago, WTF said:

only an idiot would think a horse could pull a tram up the inclines on  marine drive

What a pity nobody taught you how to read. Were you in the gardening class at school...:whatever:

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