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Promenade - Megathread


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15 hours ago, Two-lane said:

I don't swear much (compared to the average ManxForumer) but for fucks sake, "H&K controllers linked to a purpose built signal controller," to run a horse tram! These people are unbelievably, totally,  moronically, stupid.

And as I am in such a bad mood... after the press revelation last year about the bus bike racks, I sent an email to Baker pointing out that whoever thought that was a good idea didn't know too much about transport regulations. I was not expecting a response from him, but anyway, just for the entertainment value, I CC'd  both Black and Longworth. Within 30 minutes Black sent me a response. I would class his response as semi-coherent, and absolutely not the standard I would expect from someone running an organisation with a £120 million budget.

I'm just lost for words...


If you were lucky enough to get a response from Black that in itself is an achievement, even though it was bearly legible, consider yourself one of the chosen few!

Edited by Beelzebub3
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7 hours ago, Beelzebub3 said:

If you were lucky enough to get a response from Black that in itself is an achievement,

Every email form the gov. contains the following statement:

"WARNING: This email message and any files transmitted with it are confidential and may be subject to legal privilege. You must not copy or deliver it to any other person or use the contents in any unauthorised manner without the express permission of the sender. If you are not the intended addressee of this e-mail, please delete it and notify the sender as soon as possible."

Does anyone here know the legal standing of his statement? Is every message truly confidential?

If I asked the sender of a document for permission to publish, his permission would be in a document which has the same rider. That seems to me to be less than sensible.

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5 minutes ago, Two-lane said:

Every email form the gov. contains the following statement:

"WARNING: This email message and any files transmitted with it are confidential and may be subject to legal privilege. You must not copy or deliver it to any other person or use the contents in any unauthorised manner without the express permission of the sender. If you are not the intended addressee of this e-mail, please delete it and notify the sender as soon as possible."

Does anyone here know the legal standing of his statement? Is every message truly confidential?

If I asked the sender of a document for permission to publish, his permission would be in a document which has the same rider. That seems to me to be less than sensible.

It would be interesting to find out. For example did Colas consent to their emails being published as part of the Richmond Hill FOI response? Or is that just something that's assumed when you tender for Government contracts?

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2 hours ago, AlanShimmin said:

Responses from the Clown in Chief are always worth a read. 

Well, here it is:


In my message to Baker I tried to keep the paragraphs and sentences short. One point per paragraph.

Black's response seems to be a stream-of-conscientiousness brain-dump-onto-the-keyboard. Just looking at the layout gives me a headache.

He was only CC'd in the original message. The purpose was just to let him know my opinions. His need to justify his actions seems rather childish to me. As a CEO he should be well above that kind of thing.

And where is his secretary? In my work experience people of that level always had a fire-breathing dragon to write emails for them - and they all had far better writing skills than Black.

My last point is that the Transport Research Lab. report is 100 pages long; the summary is two pages. Black's response arrived in less then 30 minutes - he clearly did not read the report.

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1 hour ago, AlanShimmin said:

It would be interesting to find out. For example did Colas consent to their emails being published as part of the Richmond Hill FOI response? Or is that just something that's assumed when you tender for Government contracts?

The possibility that if you win the tender the contract undertaken and its details* may be subject to FOI requests and publishing is written into the tender docs from gov.

*Within reason, for example you would not have to disclose what you charge per square metre for laying carpet (That is commercially sensitive) but you may have to disclose what the total cost of floor coverings was.



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10 minutes ago, Two-lane said:

Well, here it is:


In my message to Baker I tried to keep the paragraphs and sentences short. One point per paragraph.

Black's response seems to be a stream-of-conscientiousness brain-dump-onto-the-keyboard. Just looking at the layout gives me a headache.

He was only CC'd in the original message. The purpose was just to let him know my opinions. His need to justify his actions seems rather childish to me. As a CEO he should be well above that kind of thing.

And where is his secretary? In my work experience people of that level always had a fire-breathing dragon to write emails for them - and they all had far better writing skills than Black.

My last point is that the Transport Research Lab. report is 100 pages long; the summary is two pages. Black's response arrived in less then 30 minutes - he clearly did not read the report.

So he knows better than the rest of the world in that it is better to design vehicles that when in collision with a pedestrian cause the minimum amount of harm?

He thinks it is better to plan not to have accidents? We should all take on that advice and we will have the safest roads in the world.

From tomorrow on we must all stop having accidents, there you go I have saved hundreds of lives. Where is my MBE?

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1 hour ago, Boris Johnson said:

He thinks it is better to plan not to have accidents? We should all take on that advice and we will have the safest roads in the world.

It's absolutely mind-boggling isn't it. But think on.

This man is in charge of a department with a £120 million budget. There are people in gov. who think he is competent. Those people are also making judgements about who is competent to run other departments.

I think I need a list of those people so that I can send them an email or two....

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Chatting to one of the workers on the prom earlier and asked about why the rails had been pulled up by Castlemona Avenue . Apparently the welds were inferior and Failed when checked , allegedly done when to cold but not sure thats right , so they are going to relay them through to Sea Terminal but not currently. Those welders brought over from across have made there mark haven't they ! Wonder will we ever find out how much that cost to lay then rip up again . 

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1 hour ago, Numbnuts said:

Chatting to one of the workers on the prom earlier and asked about why the rails had been pulled up by Castlemona Avenue . Apparently the welds were inferior and Failed when checked , allegedly done when to cold but not sure thats right , so they are going to relay them through to Sea Terminal but not currently. Those welders brought over from across have made there mark haven't they ! Wonder will we ever find out how much that cost to lay then rip up again . 

Cold? Surely like you say that can't be right. Steel melts at 1500C and weld temperatures can be 2000C. Surely a variation in atmospheric temperature +/- 5C isn't going to influence the quality of a weld!

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