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Promenade - Megathread


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3 hours ago, Numbnuts said:

Actually work , men in Hi Vis boots on the ground was around September 2018 . If you remember they started removing the flower garden etc outside the Sefton then proceded to pop up all long the area in various places , ' getting ready' for works to commence . I remember well Harmers statement that when up and running there would be 60/70 men at anyone time working on there on what will be a two year contract . Mmmmm that went well didnt it !  Supposedly finished by October 2020 but we all know thats not happening . We all can be accused of being cynical , certainly me ,  when it comes to DOI schemes but they dont let us down do they ! 

Of course planning , appeals and redrawn plans started long time before then as if you remember there was the petition driven by the late Murray Lamben against the trams going on the walkway . From memory plans and design cost in excess of 4 million .

Just in time to make sure the area looked a complete mess & access to the area was as difficult as possible about 6 weeks before the 100th anniversary of Armisitice Day. 

All a bit unnecessary at that particular time as the area was still sat empty and used as motorcycle parking June 2019.

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31 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

Surely it's both!

Our elected at all levels come in for a lot of criticism (if not abuse on here 😂 ) and they are undoubtedly of varying abilities, it takes all sorts to make a world; but personally, I believe the vast majority of them stand on the grounds of wanting to improve things and make a difference.

Once elected, they find out what they're up against in respect of those aims. "The System", intransigence, self-servery and self-preservation, all of which collude to move things at a glacial pace or even slower if there's any perceived threat to the status quo. The elected aren't in control, anywhere. Current best example is Baker and the Prom. Any amounts of reports about his frustrations of having his will and requests ignored/disregarded or overridden.

Don't have any aspirations of moving things at any sort of private sector pace because it ain't going to happen. The System exists to keep things just as they are, and why not? It pays and rewards handsomely and there's no commercial pressure to change or compete.

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14 minutes ago, Dave Hedgehog said:

Mr Baker sounds like he is not very concerned by the fact that repairs are required to work already done. We know it is their responsibility and to be done at their expense, but why is he not stating strongly his disappointment or frustration ON OUR BEHALF as tax payers for what we are having to endure.

Douglas Council are being very quiet about all this on their own doorstep. Why are they not shouting from the rooftops what their RATE PAYERS are having to put up with.

As for the other MHK's, have they been told not to try and interfere or make this an election issue? They are very quiet.

Edited by Apple
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1 hour ago, Dave Hedgehog said:

I don't know why they opted for red concrete in the first place.

Cracks aside anyone who has driven through the McDonalds drive thru will be able to see just how bad this will look in a few years time.

Agreed. Anything with dye in it fades over time so when they get around to fix the cracks its going to look terrible . Certainly not a Prom to be proud off. 

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7 hours ago, Beelzebub3 said:

Before 2016, there was a couple of guy's over from the UK  think they worked for Hyder (favoured consultants) that were carrying out design work for the prom around 2014 and one chap was on it for 4 years and to be fair everytime he had drafted a plan it was threw back , a few more came over and soon realised they were wasting their time as the hierarchy changed their mind constantly, I suspect that is still happening with the 3 amigos NB/JR/IL. The full cost of the promenade will be well hidden and will be booked out to allsort's of project's.

Yeah, book it to Ramsey pier like they did for many years!

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