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7 minutes ago, Albert Tatlock said:

The new Tynwald this year should set up a public enquiry into this complete balls-up and financial piss-take.

...with an Independent Chair and membership, with relevant expertise in civil engineering projects. Otherwise it will just be the usual amateur questioning and report that completely misses the most salient points.

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23 minutes ago, Albert Tatlock said:

The new Tynwald this year should set up a public enquiry into this complete balls-up and financial piss-take.

But to what end, AT? Even if total incompetence was the verdict, who's going to be accountable?

The Unholy Trinity of Black, Robinson and Longworth will still walk away with their pensions and payoffs, politicians ditto, the contractors have largely been led in circles from the start and are thus blameless, the only people who are left in it for the long haul are the taxpayers.

The best you can hope for is a "Lessons will be learned". Again.

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1 hour ago, Two-lane said:

In the last-but-one "Strategic" Board Minutes, it is noted that "the new owners of the Sefton Hotel has declined to provide the previously agreed financial contribution for enhancement of the hotel boundary features". So they are perhaps not too pleased at progress on their frontage.


Is that why they are knocking down the curved wall of the cultural area in front of the Sefton?

Baker must be incredibly naive or brazen to continually go public supporting this mess and his senior officers

Edited by ellanvannin2010
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25 minutes ago, ellanvannin2010 said:

Is that why they are knocking down the curved wall of the cultural area in front of the Sefton?

Baker must be incredibly naive or brazen to continually go public supporting this mess and his senior officers

Well baker has only got 6 months hopefully along with Harmer, boot & Cregeen 

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The next Government need a complete review of services from the Department of Infrastructure,

It is  clear this department seems not to be able to cope, due to it's size.

I think they should split up the  Department.

 You should have a  Roads and Highways or they could call it transport, DOT for short.

Let the DHSC and Education set up maintenance departments and look after their own


Then  all the other buildings should probably be put under, lets say Department for local

government and envoirnment,to  maintain everything else.

Surely this would be better.


Edited by Holte End
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4 hours ago, Two-lane said:

In the last-but-one "Strategic" Board Minutes, it is noted that "the new owners of the Sefton Hotel has declined to provide the previously agreed financial contribution for enhancement of the hotel boundary features". So they are perhaps not too pleased at progress on their frontage.

In the same meeting "It was also agreed that perhaps Christmas lights on excavators and/or fencing might be a possibility". So someone was taking things seriously.

Also what do the letters CE mean in this context? Contract Extension, Contract Exclusion?

Covid excuses.

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11 hours ago, Two-lane said:

Also what do the letters CE mean in this context? Contract Extension, Contract Exclusion?

Competence Evaporated.

Complete Error.

Comic Endeavour.

Cock-ups Everywhere. 

Clumsy Effort.

Couldn't Even (organise a piss-up in a brewery).

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10 hours ago, Banker said:

Well baker has only got 6 months hopefully along with Harmer, boot & Cregeen 

From your fingertips to God's iPhone!

Has anyone heard of any new candidates talking about standing in Glenfaba and Peel? I really hope we get a few progressive minded people standing in G&P who will encourage more people to vote.

Last election was a matter of choosing the least horrible. No good choices at all. I voted anyway because I'm a firm believer in the idea that if you don't vote, you can't complain about your representatives in government.

I want my bitching rights! 

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5 minutes ago, Zarley said:

From your fingertips to God's iPhone!

Has anyone heard of any new candidates talking about standing in Glenfaba and Peel? I really hope we get a few progressive minded people standing in G&P who will encourage more people to vote.

Last election was a matter of choosing the least horrible. No good choices at all. I voted anyway because I'm a firm believer in the idea that if you don't vote, you can't complain about your representatives in government.

I want my bitching rights! 

Maybe make the QEII head boy and girl your MHK's next time around. They couldn't be any worse than the ones you currently have.

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1 minute ago, Zarley said:

...........if you don't vote, you can't complain about your representatives in government.

Please forgive the edit. I agree with this.

In my view it is not always the candidates, but the process they have to endure and then buckle under to when they get elected.

Good candidates appear to  curtailed in their ambitions by the systems they encounter, and it is those that need to be changed.  As things stand we are probably doomed to a rehash of the current lot. 

Like an orchestra, the band leader may change, instruments may be swapped, but the boring  music stays the same. We need to hear different tones from the experienced  MHKs, if they stand again, about what new melodies they would introduce. 

If it doesn't involve more public independent involvement on a political level then I can throw my vote away.

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