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Promenade - Megathread


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2 minutes ago, Apple said:

Like an orchestra, the band leader may change, instruments may be swapped, but the boring  music stays the same. We need to hear different tones from the experienced  MHKs, if they stand again, about what new melodies they would introduce. 

Edit back atcha! 😉

Excellent analogy. Well said.

We definitely need a change from the same old song and dance. Tunes like "Lessons Learned", "Commercially Confidential", "Not Found To Be Responsible" - not forgetting insincere hits like "Where You Can" and "We're All In It Together" - need to be scrapped.  

A great place to start would be to outlaw tap-dancing around the expensive fiasco that is Douglas Prom.

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33 minutes ago, Apple said:

Please forgive the edit. I agree with this.

In my view it is not always the candidates, but the process they have to endure and then buckle under to when they get elected.

Good candidates appear to  curtailed in their ambitions by the systems they encounter, and it is those that need to be changed.  As things stand we are probably doomed to a rehash of the current lot. 

Like an orchestra, the band leader may change, instruments may be swapped, but the boring  music stays the same. We need to hear different tones from the experienced  MHKs, if they stand again, about what new melodies they would introduce. 

If it doesn't involve more public independent involvement on a political level then I can throw my vote away.

All spot on. The stumbling block is that any major change (ever) always needs to be implemented in conjunction with and with the approval and agreement of "The Problem" itself. And if those changes are likely to be to the detriment of "The Problem" then they either won't be allowed to happen or they'll be so delayed and opposed that it's not worth bothering.

Political candidates, good and bad, come and go. "The Problem" remains. Alf Cannan has identified some of it. Let's see how successful he is in addressing it.

Edited by Non-Believer
extra bit
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8 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

All spot on. The stumbling block is that any major change (ever) always needs to be implemented in conjunction with and with the approval and agreement of "The Problem" itself. And if those changes are likely to be to the detriment of "The Problem" then they either won't be allowed to happen or they'll be so delayed and opposed that it's not worth bothering.

Political candidates, good and bad, come and go. "The Problem" remains.

Does "The Problem" go by the initials "CS" by any chance? 🤔

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4 hours ago, Apple said:

We need to hear different tones from the experienced  MHKs, if they stand again, about what new melodies they would introduce.

They'll say what they need to say to get reelected but then revert to the same old song when they get in. 

If you want change you won't get it voting for those already in the Keys. They have had five years, time to take a chance on someone else.

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tbh its not as easy to stand as some people think, 

Not only do you need to have money behind you (at least a few thousand) but you need to:

a - take a lot of time of work 

b - have a very understanding boss

c - give up work

Not everyone is in a position to do this, 

Not forgetting having a thick enough skin to take the flack from social media that is at times unjustified (sometimes justified).

Also you need to take your family and how they will react into account especially if you have younger children.

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20 minutes ago, Maire said:

tbh its not as easy to stand as some people think, 

Not only do you need to have money behind you (at least a few thousand) but you need to:

a - take a lot of time of work 

b - have a very understanding boss

c - give up work

Not everyone is in a position to do this, 

Not forgetting having a thick enough skin to take the flack from social media that is at times unjustified (sometimes justified).

Also you need to take your family and how they will react into account especially if you have younger children.

If somebody fancies a career in politics then it is very easy to get started. Posts like the one above sound like it has come from an MHK trying to protect their seat.

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28 minutes ago, Maire said:

tbh its not as easy to stand as some people think, 

Not only do you need to have money behind you (at least a few thousand) but you need to:

a - take a lot of time of work 

b - have a very understanding boss

c - give up work

Not everyone is in a position to do this, 

Not forgetting having a thick enough skin to take the flack from social media that is at times unjustified (sometimes justified).

Also you need to take your family and how they will react into account especially if you have younger children.

And tell your bank manager about the increases in salary to explain the new car and booking holidays etc. 

Waste a lot of time sitting on one's backside on a Tuesday (Weds and Theirs) etc to listen to prearranged speeches, previously agreed replies and rubber stamp decisions made the week before behind closed doors.

(If an MHK does not want to spend time answering or asking questions, just spin them out till 11 o'clock, turn them into written answers and the rest of the day is your own).

Tell constituents you cannot possibly reply to all the calls and emails due to being overwhelmed and can not chase lost causes as political colleagues will not support it.

When "working" in Douglas go shopping and see what bargains there are there, but don't mention the state of the place.

Other than that maybe someone could give us an example of a typical working week then ?


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3 minutes ago, Albert Tatlock said:

We need people who generally give a shit about people - and not just their own political career.

I know some, but they nor I would go quietly into this outdated historically based format that robs one's sole of dynamic thought and energy because we have 'always done it this way" and  "some people don't like change".

Do not get me wrong, we need to keep hold of the actual past of the island and cherish its contributions. Unfortunately what we constantly do and need to develop away from, is being unable to move forward with out feet stuck in the concrete of history.

In many ways, the island needs to just be allowed to grow up and be a part of the modern world.

For example:

Where is modern technology when the island can not get daily newspapers when the weather gets rough.  In this day and age that is really pathetic and makes my colleagues in the UK laugh fit to bust.


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10 minutes ago, Apple said:

Where is modern technology when the island can not get daily newspapers when the weather gets rough.  In this day and age that is really pathetic and makes my colleagues in the UK laugh fit to bust.


If you can read it for free on the internet as it happens (and in depth)...who wants to walk to a shop every day in the rain AND pay a premium for yesterday's news anyway?

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30 minutes ago, Albert Tatlock said:

We don't really need 'career politicians'. We need people who generally give a shit about people - and not just their own political career.

I would like to think that a career and as you so eloquently put it "give a shit" could and should go hand in hand. That being said, history has shown us that this is not the case. Maybe young blood can effect change from within.

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11 minutes ago, Albert Tatlock said:

If you can read it for free on the internet as it happens (and in depth)...who wants to walk to a shop every day in the rain AND pay a premium for yesterday's news anyway?

You can't wipe your arse on an iPad

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