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Promenade - Megathread


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1 hour ago, Numbnuts said:

A very good friend has businesses down on the Prom and his footfall has been decimated and no end in sight . Heartbreaking to watch seeing a business he's worked so hard and diligently ravaged by incompetence and lack of any foresight and with constant promises about areas finished but nothing forthcoming consistenty . Will he survive !?? He has to really but not sure in my view how he's going too.  

Has he spoken to government about it?

Can he demonstrate via his financial statements the impact of the last 2 or 3 years?

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16 minutes ago, The Dog's Dangly Bits said:

Has he spoken to government about it?

Can he demonstrate via his financial statements the impact of the last 2 or 3 years?

It wouldn't make any difference if he did if you watch that clip above!

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1 hour ago, The Dog's Dangly Bits said:

Has he spoken to government about it?

Can he demonstrate via his financial statements the impact of the last 2 or 3 years?

Yes and his accounts clearly show a big depreciation but its only this year that they have relented on rates. He has a little help through usual schemes but basically still the issue is there with no footfall and tbh the whole prom in no way inviting if you can even get a park. Most sensibke eople are avoiding it . And I can understand why. Just look at whats gone on around the Castle Mona  shops . Must be so disheartening for anyone with business on Prom. Candy store is another one where very little business in winter months over recent years and now zero passing trade due to works.   

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3 hours ago, John Wright said:

If they can do this for the new Liverpool Terminal they can do one for the prom.



I would very much like to see a breakdown like that for the Prom. 


Sadly I think they have successfully muddled the waters so much that it will be impossible to unpick DOI in-house staff hours from those of contractors, MUA, Manx Gas and others. 


I would also like to know the environmental cost of traffic queuing at those bloody temporary traffic lights near Castle Mona Avenue. 


They could easily be removed if someone would take a oxyacetylene to those bloody tram rails stacked next to the road 

Edited by AlanShimmin
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3 hours ago, John Wright said:

If they can do this for the new Liverpool Terminal they can do one for the prom.



One would bet that they don't want to though....?

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https://www.tynwald.org.im/business/opqp/sittings/20182021/2021-PP-0101.pdf  The final report is well worth a read.   It's not long but the frustration of the Committee comes through clearly that they didn't get straight answers to what appear to be quite straightforward questions.  Fundamentally where has the money gone - what's it been spent on?  

It says straight out that in their opinion the "We are concerned by the lack of clarity over the project budget. The taxpayer has no certainty over how much of their money will ultimately be invested in the Scheme, further damaging public confidence in the Department and the 6 Q248 7 Q264 8 Q251 4 Government. As highlighted above, we see the splitting of the work into two phases with two separate budgets as an attempt to hide the true overall spend from the taxpayer."

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Having just come along the prom in a motorbike I can confirm that the stones on the crossing actually move even when my light bike goes over them.  You can hear them clattering.

No wonder they are moving with busses etc up and down there.


Great work 

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11 minutes ago, yorik said:

I noticed the other day they're cutting holes in the concrete strip around on Loch Prom. Any ideas why?

Some red concrete bays within the highway central strip have been removed on Loch Promenade. These small number of bays had been defected under the contract due to site damage and have been replaced by the contractor at no cost to the Department.

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4 hours ago, Max Power said:

One of Michael Josem's which I thought was quite good...


It’s typical Josem. 100% misrepresentation. Spun for effect. Factually inaccurate.

He’s used the prom start date as the day it was announced that plans were to be drawn up to redevelop. 2015. Work didn’t start until 3.5 years ( 1250 days ) later. That’s like including the 5 years ( 1800 days ) of the pre WW2 arms race and the Germans walking into the Rhineland, Austria and Czech Republic  in the years before September 1939 as part of WW2.

And I’m not sure about operation overlord lasting 544 days? It was the invasion and occupation of Normandy. It started 6 June 1944 and ended either 25/8/44 with Liberation of Paris or 12/9/44 when the armies that had fought through Normandy joined up with the Allied forces that had fought up from Southern France. So 90-110 days, not 544. Even if you count Overlord as being the complete invasion to VE Day it’s 330 days not 544. Overlord was followed by Market Garden from 17/9/44 and other operations.

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11 minutes ago, John Wright said:

Factually inaccurate.

Completely. To be honest it seems a bit of a ridiculous comparison to make. 

We all know it is taking far too long but to to put this issue alongside these other significant events seems to me to be just playground politics. What is the point ?

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21 minutes ago, John Wright said:

It’s typical Josem. 100% misrepresentation. Spun for effect. Factually inaccurate.

He’s used the prom start date as the day it was announced that plans were to be drawn up to redevelop. 2015. Work didn’t start until 3.5 years ( 1250 days ) later. That’s like including the 5 years ( 1800 days ) of the pre WW2 arms race and the Germans walking into the Rhineland, Austria and Czech Republic  in the years before September 1939 as part of WW2.

And I’m not sure about operation overlord lasting 544 days? It was the invasion and occupation of Normandy. It started 6 June 1944 and ended either 25/8/44 with Liberation of Paris or 12/9/44 when the armies that had fought through Normandy joined up with the Allied forces that had fought up from Southern France. So 90-110 days, not 544. Even if you count Overlord as being the complete invasion to VE Day it’s 330 days not 544. Overlord was followed by Market Garden from 17/9/44 and other operations.

he probably got the numbers from skelly,

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