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Promenade - Megathread


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4 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

As mercifully they don't even seem to have killed any of the birds, it suggests that even when they're misbehaving they can't get that right.

I'm fairly sure that misuse of equipment will be in there.  But breaking the law on the job (which attempting to kill wild birds is) would also be covered.

I think only corporate law breaking would be covered. Not by an individual.

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11 hours ago, Gladys said:

Bringing their employer into disrepute, misuse of company property, commiting an offence against protection of wildlife legislation,  and I would top it off with being knobs. 

The breach if health and safety regulations alone would get someone dismissed from site.

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16 hours ago, The Dog's Dangly Bits said:

Behave yourself.

At best that's a verbal warning.  Zero chance you sack someone over that.

I would have sacked them anyway. Even if went to an employment tribunal and you were eventually forced to reinstate, or compensate them the positive PR would be worth it.

As it is would you engage a company that tolerated such behavior? (OK they had a talking to)

Moreover with a tribunal they would be publicly identified. Would they want that?

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4 hours ago, NoTail said:

The new bit at the bottom of Broadway. I prefer not to call it a roundabout as its not round. I think it looks silly at best but could be very confusing.


Mind blowing , what a mess . The tarmac hasnt been finished very well at all . Oh dear , yes apparently its all coming up at a later date so why bother with those lines which just make the job look so much worse.

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4 hours ago, NoTail said:

The new bit at the bottom of Broadway. I prefer not to call it a roundabout as its not round. I think it looks silly at best but could be very confusing.


Are there not published regulations for markings on and approaching a roundabout?.

The railway welders are back too (not necessarily the same ones though).

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