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Promenade - Megathread


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Right, enough is enough of this. 

In good faith I'm contacting DOI and Roads Policing to ask about this creation before it's opened up to the public. 

It appears this isn't a recognised type of junction and therefore there must be a very clear set of safety criteria they will have run for this. 

Can they categorically confirm that it meets all relevant safety criteria? 



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15 minutes ago, trmpton said:

There were lights as you came down Broadway at the time there was a stop sign at the bottom where you came into the prom.  Think it was a temporary crossing.

No end of people not surprisingly  went through the free light, which was about 20 yards before the stop sign, and assumed they were getting a green light to join the prom.


Oh shit! 

Quite foreseeable. Atrocious signage on the whole project. I’ve seen keep left and keep right signs next to each other in the early days. 

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6 minutes ago, AlanShimmin said:

Right, enough is enough of this. 

In good faith I'm contacting DOI and Roads Policing to ask about this creation before it's opened up to the public. 

It appears this isn't a recognised type of junction and therefore there must be a very clear set of safety criteria they will have run for this. 

Can they categorically confirm that it meets all relevant safety criteria? 



Good luck with getting an answer.

Police never replied when asked if the bus lane on Glencrutchery Road was legal and signed correctly

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5 minutes ago, The Old Git said:

Oh shit! 

Quite foreseeable. Atrocious signage on the whole project. I’ve seen keep left and keep right signs next to each other in the early days. 

Why the obsession with using things that aren’t just standard and understood?

This. The prom crossings (there will be an accident within 12 months)That awful crossing in St John’s.

The road by the back of bike style had tape on the kerb so people didn’t trip.  The one at Nelson street by shaws brow is a trip hazard.

Plus, all the stuff they are putting in looks awful after a few months of use. The bits of the prom that have been driven on already look a right state.

The levels of incompetence are mind boggling.  It has taken years, cost an absolute fortune, and is still total gash.

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3 minutes ago, trmpton said:This. The prom crossings (there will be an accident within 12 months)That awful crossing in St John’s.

The one at Regent St will be first. The first one is marked as a zebra crossing, the second one looks like a crossing but isn’t marked as one.  Confusion between vehicles and pedestrians isn’t good. 



I seem to have buggered up quoting. 

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10 minutes ago, ellanvannin2010 said:

Good luck with getting an answer.

Police never replied when asked if the bus lane on Glencrutchery Road was legal and signed correctly

They did say they were monitoring  it to be fair and it was done away with quite quickly . I think this is such a glaring issue and clearly doesnt meet road traffic regs that they will be brave to ignore it if brought to there attention. 

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3 minutes ago, The Old Git said:

The one at Regent St will be first. The first one is marked as a zebra crossing, the second one looks like a crossing but isn’t marked as one.  Confusion between vehicles and pedestrians isn’t good. 



I seem to have buggered up quoting. 

They will be being dug up soon anyway as both are subsiding and breaking up.

You also have red concrete being used as a pedestrian safety refuge on Loch/Harris promenade and to indicate danger on Central /Queens promenade

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4 minutes ago, Numbnuts said:

They did say they were monitoring  it to be fair and it was done away with quite quickly . I think this is such a glaring issue and clearly doesnt meet road traffic regs that they will be brave to ignore it if brought to there attention. 

And then they sort of painted over it, but now you can’t tell what the actual road markings are.

Likewise the new layout at the top of Royal Avenue.  Now just one lane with no right turn heading towards halftime, but when heading that way in the sun you can’t actually tell they have removed the markings, so you regularly see people sitting in the old right turn lane that isn’t actually there anymore with traffic heading into Onchan heading straight for them

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16 minutes ago, Numbnuts said:

Great likeness . Not ! Also not sure the rails are going to be where its showing on the original picture . 

It’s two different junctions but I can’t see the Sefton one being and better than Broadway at this rate

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19 minutes ago, The Old Git said:

It’s two different junctions but I can’t see the Sefton one being and better than Broadway at this rate

Yes I know its different junctions but from memory the original plans showed the two 'roundabouts ' looking the same.  And I totally agree its not. This will have to be redone and quickly at the bottom of broadway as its not legal i'd say . Never mind the standard of work. 

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