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Promenade - Megathread


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2 minutes ago, trmpton said:

To be fair.  This fiasco was well before his shift.  Possibly 2, even 3 ministers back when this was signed off


The scheme was signed off by Harmer. There were countless plans tossed around previously under the Gawne-era DOI. 

Interestingly Baker served as Harmer's Prom Tsar in the days before he was (inexplicably) elevated to Comin. So he should shoulder a good amount of blame.

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3 minutes ago, AlanShimmin said:

The scheme was signed off by Harmer. There were countless plans tossed around previously under the Gawne-era DOI. 

Interestingly Baker served as Harmer's Prom Tsar in the days before he was (inexplicably) elevated to Comin. So he should shoulder a good amount of blame.

 Baker was a member for Highway's alongside that duffer Harmer who was Minister, so is just as  accountable for this fiasco as the rest involved.

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Mixed feelings on this, Baker has exhibited little control over these matters but he inherited the truly hot seat from Harmer, the juggernaut was already rolling.

The Beaman's has highlighted that the Dept is unfit for purpose and not structured to deliver projects (a fact most breathing locals were aware of). How Baker was supposed to make anything of this appalling clusterfuck in the time frame available is beyond most comprehension, but given the system of governance, he wasn't supposed to? He was just along for the ride of a lifetime in that Department.

Where he has gone wrong is by exclusively siding with his officers and simply regurgitating anything they fed him, even when it was/is clearly ridiculous.

It will be the voters of Ayre who have the real say though. How much has he done for them and the constituency?

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4 hours ago, quilp said:

Newly opened feature?  

Has it been opened ?

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3 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Just used it this afternoon.  It works fine, just keep between the cones and its a doddle. 

Not open as a junction yet though not exactly indicative is it?  When I went through yesterday it was just one lane one way from south end of prom up Broadway between the cones.

Has that changed?

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10 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

He was quoted on MR saying he will be leaving the DOI in far better shape than when he joined it. Was it really even worse then than now? 

I don't understand how he can say that, unless he's been working restructuring miracles behind the scenes?

He's at the wheel when a Govt commissioned report has just been received, stating that the DOI is probably the biggest bag of frogs in IoM Governmental history, he's not been there long enough to do anything with the Dept even if he did anticipate in advance what the report was going to say.

All he's done in his time is trot out excuse after excuse that he's been scripted by his "officers" (usually in their defence) and had his various frustrations reported periodically by the media.

The people who are really ultimately responsible for the state of the DOI (and it has taken a while, it didn't happen overnight) are either impregnable because they're untouchable, courtesy of "the system" or since retired with their wheelbarrows. 

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27 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

I don't understand how he can say that, unless he's been working restructuring miracles behind the scenes?

He's at the wheel when a Govt commissioned report has just been received, stating that the DOI is probably the biggest bag of frogs in IoM Governmental history, he's not been there long enough to do anything with the Dept even if he did anticipate in advance what the report was going to say.

All he's done in his time is trot out excuse after excuse that he's been scripted by his "officers" (usually in their defence) and had his various frustrations reported periodically by the media.

The people who are really ultimately responsible for the state of the DOI (and it has taken a while, it didn't happen overnight) are either impregnable because they're untouchable, courtesy of "the system" or since retired with their wheelbarrows. 

This political genius said today in the covid regulations debate that if you don't make changes then some people won't be happy and if you do make changes then some people won't be happy. Mind blowing stuff. No wonder the DoI are in a much better shape with that insightful analysis he provides................

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2 minutes ago, Ham_N_Eggs said:

This political genius said today in the covid regulations debate that if you don't make changes then some people won't be happy and if you do make changes then some people won't be happy. Mind blowing stuff. No wonder the DoI are in a much better shape with that insightful analysis he provides................

If you make the wrong changes no one will be happy. 

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