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Promenade - Megathread


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1 hour ago, ellanvannin2010 said:

To be fair though it was some 3 months behind 6 months into the contract and was months behind before the saviour of Covid came to their rescue.

And still they cannot keep to schedule, for example last summer the DOI took over the block work on Loch Promenade and its side roads, according to the strategic minutes it was all supposed to be completed and the DOI off site by November. No pesky Covid restrictions  to hold them up from July to November.. It is still nowhere near finished

November 2022 though yeah? 

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3 hours ago, Max Power said:

The time for criticism is when it's finished and if it hasn't come up to expectations.

The time for criticism is now before the history is rewritten, just as the. Covid history is being rewritten as we speak, like Boris over Hancock. Politicians would rather you forget about their words, get distracted by other stuff, move on etc.

They act with a sense of impunity and a sense of immunity. They can never be called to account in the real sense. This notion that they are held up to scrutiny and account at elections is complete twaddle in my view.

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3 hours ago, Max Power said:

It is a construction site, what do we expect at this point, when we have had delays and other issues due to Covid-19? 

Would you be saying the same thing to a surgeon in the middle of an operation, or a mechanic who had your car in pieces? 

The time for criticism is when it's finished and if it hasn't come up to expectations. It's clear that not many on here have any idea about civil engineering projects but that doesn't stop them from having what they think are valid criticisms. This seems to be a mixture of not liking change, frustration at the amount of time taken and the access issues and ignorance of the process.   

For one thing, in the short stretch I travelled I lost count of the cracks between the tram rails. I read in a national newspaper today that we could be using flying cars by the end of the decade, I think that’s the only way this debacle will be suitable for use. It’s a major route through the capital and they’re using it as a test bed for whatever takes their fancy!

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5 hours ago, Max Power said:

Would you be saying the same thing to a surgeon in the middle of an operation, or a mechanic who had your car in pieces? 

The time for criticism is when it's finished and if it hasn't come up to expectations. It's clear that not many on here have any idea about civil engineering projects but that doesn't stop them from having what they think are valid criticisms. This seems to be a mixture of not liking change, frustration at the amount of time taken and the access issues and ignorance of the process.   

It's an absolute cockup... plain as day for us all to see. 

You don't need a Masters Degree in Civil Engineering go be able to see that. 

There hasn't been a single deadline they've met. It's financially overbudget. People queue for ages at the temporary lights. 

The transport boffins planned a track system with no singalling (when they knew it would be a requirement). 

Every criticism that has been raised is valid. 

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Tim Baker failed to mention and wasnt asked as to whats the time scale to fix the cracks in the red concrete. There will be lots of snagging to be carried out after end of August so him claiming the revised contract will be finished by end of August is pie in the sky. And yes I know theres always snagging to be done on any contract but the cracks were flagged up in early January but nothings been done about them. Over a approx 350 meters between Great Western and Queens prom there are at least 370 seperate ones. Not easy to fix apart from ripping it all up and re doing .  

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5 minutes ago, Numbnuts said:

Tim Baker failed to mention and wasnt asked as to whats the time scale to fix the cracks in the red concrete. There will be lots of snagging to be carried out after end of August so him claiming the revised contract will be finished by end of August is pie in the sky. And yes I know theres always snagging to be done on any contract but the cracks were flagged up in early January but nothings been done about them. Over a approx 350 meters between Great Western and Queens prom there are at least 370 seperate ones. Not easy to fix apart from ripping it all up and re doing .  

Sure I heard him mention two years of snagging.

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1 minute ago, finlo said:

Sure I heard him mention two years of snagging.

Haha if thats right that really takes the biscuit . The whole revised contract will have taken 2 years 10 months if finished end of August . Thats some snagging and if true says it all about the work carried out.

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7 hours ago, Max Power said:

It is a construction site, what do we expect at this point, when we have had delays and other issues due to Covid-19? 

Would you be saying the same thing to a surgeon in the middle of an operation, or a mechanic who had your car in pieces? 

The time for criticism is when it's finished and if it hasn't come up to expectations. It's clear that not many on here have any idea about civil engineering projects but that doesn't stop them from having what they think are valid criticisms. This seems to be a mixture of not liking change, frustration at the amount of time taken and the access issues and ignorance of the process.   

Never had you down as a government shill. How can you even begin to defend this debacle

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13 minutes ago, Peter Layman said:

Never had you down as a government shill. How can you even begin to defend this debacle

I'm not really defending it, I'm just willing to wait and reserve my judgement until it's done. 

I'm no civil engineer but I can imagine the problems which Covid has caused in retaining workers, getting the right workers on site at the right time etc. It just needs a bit of balance but I can see that there have been a lot of things which could have been done better.

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17 minutes ago, Max Power said:

I'm not really defending it, I'm just willing to wait and reserve my judgement until it's done. 

I'm no civil engineer but I can imagine the problems which Covid has caused in retaining workers, getting the right workers on site at the right time etc. It just needs a bit of balance but I can see that there have been a lot of things which could have been done better.

But it was months behind long before COVID had been heard of in mid 2019

The cracks in the concrete were there in 2019.


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1 hour ago, finlo said:

Sure I heard him mention two years of snagging.

That's not what he said. A caller came on and said 'a man down the pub told him that he'd been offered two years of work fixing the defects on the Prom.'

Obviously Baker said he knew nothing about it and that two years would not be within the contract terms. On this occasion, I believe him!

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37 minutes ago, Max Power said:

I'm not really defending it, I'm just willing to wait and reserve my judgement until it's done. 

I'm no civil engineer but I can imagine the problems which Covid has caused in retaining workers, getting the right workers on site at the right time etc. It just needs a bit of balance but I can see that there have been a lot of things which could have been done better.

The whole thing could have been done better Max


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