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Promenade - Megathread


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The work actually started on 17 September 2018 and was supposed to take four years.  That was ridiculous from the start - indeed the whole idea of a complete reconstruction was ridiculous and only really designed to keep these half-wits in a job.  But there's no need to exaggerate when the reality is bad enough and clearly visible.  Taking things back to the design stage makes you look stupid.  You might as well say the Channel Tunnel started in 1802.


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Not sure where Rodger Mexico gets the 4 years from as I always understood it to be approx 2 years.


The scheme will take approximately two years to complete and be funded by the approved budget of £25 million. Quote from Harmer at the time September 2018 and also repeated on the Governments own web site at the time. But in all seriousness its looking likely to be nearer 4 years than 2 . 

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2 minutes ago, Numbnuts said:

Not sure where Rodger Mexico gets the 4 years from as I always understood it to be approx 2 years.

It's in the Manx Radio piece I linked to:

The scheme is set to take four years to complete, at a cost of at least £21 million.

Of course what was promised for those four years and what will be delivered are not necessarily the same things.

The more telling paragraph is the one before that though:

Plans are still in development by the Department of Infrastructure, with the timetable for construction works and traffic controls yet to be published.

In other words "We don't know what we are going to do or how we're going to do it, but we're going to start anyway".  With predictable results.

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14 hours ago, AlanShimmin said:

That would involve DOI admitting they got something wrong.

What is absolutely remarkable, is despite all the very very obvious cock-ups, no has been held responsible and furthermore, no-one ever will. They will still keep their jobs/positions and continue to give this forum more good laughs at sheer ineptitude.

Even worse though, there's not even the slightest hint of embarrasment from any of those involved.


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15 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

The work actually started on 17 September 2018 and was supposed to take four years.  That was ridiculous from the start - indeed the whole idea of a complete reconstruction was ridiculous and only really designed to keep these half-wits in a job.  But there's no need to exaggerate when the reality is bad enough and clearly visible.  Taking things back to the design stage makes you look stupid.  You might as well say the Channel Tunnel started in 1802.


What they should do is....

1. Sack Auldyn, ensure no one ever hires them again, make them pay everything back, fine them a further considerable sum for good measure. Because, let's be fair, government issues or no government issues. They are rinsing the tax payer for all they are worth and the know it. After seeing this charade, I will never ever consider hiring them for any building work.

2. Sack the idiots who started this debacle in the first place. Require them to walk nude through the streets of Douglas with shame signs around their necks. Preferably chained to pieces of the broken promenade that they have to drag behind them.

3. Bring over one of the English companies that work efficiently and quickly on motorways, promenades, 24 hours a day etc in England. Yes it will cost more money but at least it will finally get done in a respectable amount of time. If anyone dares to cry "But what about the Manx workers". Tough.....tough sh*t....they had their chance.

4. Launch an official investigation into the DOI by an independent third party so as to try to avoid "Boys Club Bias".

5. Issue a public apology and explain in detail all the different ways and reasons as to why this f*ckery will never happen again.

Edited by Chie
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35 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

The horse tram tracks have added have added complexity and expense to every stage. So many hidden indirect costs

Why wasn't a single track installed right along the promenade, with a passing place/s if necessary.

There has to be a reason of course, but I haven't seen one.

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6 minutes ago, Barlow said:

Why wasn't a single track installed right along the promenade, with a passing place/s if necessary.

There has to be a reason of course, but I haven't seen one.

Murray Lambden made the most noise against the most sensible option once decision was made to keep the horse trams.

Seems trams in busy centre of Manchester can work without miaming and injuring thousands every day, but couldn't possibly live with that risk on the prom walkway. Grrr.

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