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Promenade - Megathread


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7 hours ago, foxdaleliberationfront said:

This would tie in with the rumour that the Loch Promenade tracks have been scrapped altogether to save some money. Makes sense. 

they should carry that logic all the way to strathallan

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8 hours ago, foxdaleliberationfront said:

This would tie in with the rumour that the Loch Promenade tracks have been scrapped altogether to save some money. Makes sense. 

You make a very good point. There is a partial correlation between the sections that are missing from the schedule, and the so-called tramway corridor, on Loch Prom. However, they will need to go back to Planning, if they want to make such a significant change on that part of the route.

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1 hour ago, Nellie said:

However, they will need to go back to Planning, if they want to make such a significant change on that part of the route.

I think you're right, however it might be easier to just crack on with the road/highway bit, get it done and then go to planning.

I would guess the public and local businesses would strongly support losing the so-called Tramway corridor and replacing it with more parking - equal to what was there previously. 

It would also help subvert the noisy minority who claim to want to keep the horse trams and seem to hold sway over the entire Promenade scheme. 

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9 hours ago, foxdaleliberationfront said:

This would tie in with the rumour that the Loch Promenade tracks have been scrapped altogether to save some money. Makes sense. 

Why is only Loch Promenade single track and the rest two?

A simple question to which apparently there is no answer.

No need whatsoever for two tracks. A passing place at most- a kind of mini terminus outside the Villa or where ever - but no need for two tracks.

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13 minutes ago, gettafa said:

Why is only Loch Promenade single track and the rest two?

A simple question to which apparently there is no answer.

No need whatsoever for two tracks. A passing place at most- a kind of mini terminus outside the Villa or where ever - but no need for two tracks.

It's a very good question and I'm sure it will have been asked of DOI countless times. But as always where the toy trains and trams are concerned they ride roughshod over any opposition or accountability 

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28 minutes ago, WTF said:

The road is not wide enough on loch prom to have the increased track seperation that is  necessary to run motorised trams and leave suitable room for normal road vehicles.

Thank you wtf

So the road is wide enough Harris and Queens Prom to take a double tram track. But why waste that space on two tracks when one would be more than enough? That space could be used for parking and/or ease traffic flow.

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11 minutes ago, Dave Hedgehog said:

They originally wanted a single trach with passing places all the way along but it was rejected in planning after a bunch of cyclists objected. 

But that was on the sea side of the prom IIRC  not the middle of the road.

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Cyclists and walkers did not want the Horse Tram on the walkway. I appreciate that.

For the Promenade horse tramway I would even suggest that a passing place is not an absolute necessity, but at a push maybe one somewhere midway eg. outside The Sefton/Villa Marina where it could be a bit of a feature. 






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